Nationwide Internet Censorship Planned In Australia
The democratic west, with all its ideals of free speech, free religion and believes, is on the forefront of demolishing those ideals for the greater good as politicians like to call it. The greater good can be terrorism, child pornography, pornography, different believes, different political views, violent video games or anything else that politicians might feel inappropriate to be viewed by the general public.
Plans came to light recently that described a nationwide Internet censorship initiative in Australia to protect the children from the Internet. One could say that parents should take care of that but the Australian government does not seem to have much faith in Australian parents and decided that a far better way to protect the children would be to ban selected websites completely in Australia meaning if you are of legal age to view a website you might not be able to by normal means because of the censorship to protect the children.
One common denominator is always the vagueness of those plans. Questions like who will select the websites that should be banned, how will they be banned, who will decided what is appropriate, who will maintain the blacklist, what can be done about false positives or who will have access to it are not addressed at all.
Current plans favor the use of two blacklists, one for material unsuitable for children and one for illegal material. It is possible to opt-out of the first but not the second. No definition of illegal was given and it is likely that the blacklist will contain websites that might not be illegal but considered illegal.
Nationwide Internet censorship puts Australia right in the midst of elusive countries like China and Iran who censor the Internet for different reasons. Australians who want to fight this plan can head over to the No Clean Feed site for more information and calls to action.
I also noticed that OpenDNS has ghacks in there blacklisted sites.
At least in there you can opt to allow it.
Does anyone see the irony in the fact that Australia began as a “filter” for British society, by exiling all unwantables and criminals to that then-remote corner of the world?
If done correctly it would be a good thing to happen. Although it wouldn’t be good if the government started stopping things other than pron, terrorism, etc. But loads of shitty things happen on net that it would be good if somebody stopped them.
How about giving licences to porn sites (18+) only if they register and then create a blacklist of such sites to create an site blocker for various browsers?
Knowledge is power. If the people (peasants) have access to knowledge the rulers (government) feel threatened. Expect to see more of this “for the common good”.
I can hear the U.S. politicians saying it now “but they’ve already done this in Australia”. Yeah, right, they banned guns in Australia too, the crime rate went through the roof!.
Doing something because they did it in Australia makes about as much sense as doing it because it was done in the U.S.
Our tax dollars at work,
as per the norm ,it will be fueled by the God fearing politician’s
Well, I guess it was just a matter of time that so much freedom would scare some people back to the Middle Ages.
The advance of technology is surely outpacing the ability of most people to live with its consequences. is blocked in Iran (i don’t know why! maybe it’s a mistake.). i use proxy to access your blog.
First Big Brother now Big Father.