Essential PIM

Aug 1, 2008
Software, Windows

Personal organisers are a dime a dozen but I’m yet to find one which full meets my requirements.

For some time however I did use Essential PIM and found it a good solid organisation tool. You can think of Essential as Outlook without email capabilities, which is actually useful for anyone who uses Gmail for most of their email.

The interface is actually pretty good, clean, polished and functional, which is a lot more then I can say for a lot of the organisational software I’ve seen. In fact it’s got such a nice interface you cant help but want to use it.

Essential PIM has 4 main functions:

* Schedule
* To Do
* Contacts
* Notes

It’s all very easy to use and intuitive, with the scheduling being particular efficient and easy to use. Data from other applications can be imported into Essential PIM including TXT, RTF and CSV as well as exported from Essential into other applications.

Another strong point is the ability to run the application from a USB stick, something I also used to do.

Essential PIM is a freemium product, for a reasonable fee you can upgrade to the pro product for some additional features including encryption, automatic backup, synchronisation with Outlook and better file sorting features.

Even just for the Contacts database this program is great and very easy to use, I recommend it.


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  1. Sam said on February 28, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    You may want to take a second look at Essential PIM. It has improved greatly, with advanced security, cloud and email synchronization, ability to sort data in tables, and lots of other features. I’m thinking of going back to it from using OneNote for several years which has gotten slow and doesn’t keep my data synced the same across devices.

  2. Fluffy Llama said on August 1, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    I am a huge fan of EssentialPIM and was only recommending it the other day. Good to see it get some attention.

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