Loop Typer

Did you ever face a situation where you had to type in the same phrase over and over again ? Besides from serving spammers as a way to automate their tasks I cannot think of an application were someone would need a tool that would paste the same text over and over again in a defined interval. I'm sure there are applications and it would be nice if you could help me out here: Loop Typer (via Shell Extension City) could be useful for.. ?
Loop Typer was created by Will Taylor who seems to have difficulties himself thinking of an application where Loop Typer could be useful. That's a first definitely. The application itself requires the Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 and provides the installer for the Framework as well as the installer for the application itself.
It does work flawlessly. The user enters a text in the text field and sets the interval to a value between 1 and 20 seconds. That interval can be extended in the options so that larger breaks between each paste are possible.
The other two options that are available are the following. The user can select that enter is automatically pressed after each paste and he can define a time or loop constraint limit which means that the process ends after a certain time or amount of loops.
Let me know what you think about this application. I have a nice surprise for the user with the best suggestion!
5v5 | our cent | d2/nuke | pm for scrim!
Did you ever face a situation where you had to type in the same phrase over and over again ?
Not exactly like that, but very similar ;)
I tested one spellchecker demo app, so I really should run it again and again, enter some text, and do various checks. But I made automated scripts for that. There are solutions for automation, and who, if not me, must know some? :)
I have forgotten the password to an old encrypted file i have. I could use something like this that would step through a list of potential password strings, concatenating the pieces together, placing the pieces as a single string into the password field and then punching the enter button until success or run out of seed strings.
Jeffrey, that certainly is a shining comment :)
I think it would be useful if you were Jack Nicholson and you were a caretaker up in some resort for the winter and you were trying to finish that next great novel before the spring thaw …. set this application running and you are free to do other things, like kill your family, while your book writes itself.
Perhaps you could use it to keep some software from expiring due to inactivity? For example, some IM clients or web sites, time out with inactivity. It would be more useful for this, though, if it could send control codes (like VB’s SendKeys) — can it? Then you could enter something innocuous into a form to keep your banking site open or whatever.
I’d just use AutoHotKey for something like that, anyway.
“I love you” (he, her, or her, he, or imagination!) ?
Frankly, an application created by an author who seems to have difficulties himself thinking of another application where his application could be useful, is a masterpiece of humor. Haven’t laughed so perfectly for weeks!
I’m off for laughing until I find out, where, what, how, when this gem may be recognized!