Fine-tuning Opera's Transfers

Apr 18, 2008

I had been overlooking some minor inconveniences related to file transfers in Opera which were from time to time sort of negatively interfering with the efficiency of my work in this marvelous browser. It was only recently that I finally decided to devote it a few minutes and managed to get rid of the last one of all these tiny trouble-causers.

Now I'm sharing the little knowledge I've gathered with all Opera-mates.

Issue #1: How to view my transfers in a regular tab, instead of an illegible overview sqeezing in the toggle sidebar.

Solution #1: Go to the Appearance dialog (Shift+F12) > Buttons tab and select Panels to see a small square button with two arrows pointing to the right (> >). Now toggle-open the sidebar, choose Transfers here and drag & drop that lil square button between the label Transfers and the close button (x). From now on, enlarge any sidebar panel, including Transfers, into a nice wide tab by simply hitting the 2-arrow button.
Solution #2: Use Opera's built-in hotkey Ctrl+Alt+T (editable in Preferences) to quickly access Transfers in a tab.

Issue #2: On active transfer, open Transfers tab in background, rather than in foreground.

Having Transfers tab open with every single transfer may get pretty annoying, especially with multiple downloads at once. It took me quite some time to re-discover this option after reinstalling Opera some time ago, although the place to find this setting is so much obvious. Simply go to transfers tab (Ctrl+Alt+T, see above) and in the View menu (glasses) select the desired option. Simple enough, huh?

Issue #3: I want "Open folder" item back in my context-menu !!!

Have you noticed the disappearance of "Open folder" item in Transfers' context-menu? I did because I used it quite often before it disappeared from Opera, usually when I wasn't fast enough to click the "Transfer complete" pop-up quietly sinking into taskbar. Disabling this feature seems to have been just a side effect of adapting Opera to Unix environments.

Nevertheless, you can fortunately get this useful feature back by editing one *.ini file. Close Opera, go to defaults folder inside Opera's root folder (Program Files, most likely) and open "standard_menu.ini" file (after backing it up, just to be sure). Here, edit the original line 1627:

    Platform Unix, Item, 69697 = Open transfer folder

to make it look like this (w/o the first string):

    Item, 69697 = Open transfer folder

Restart Opera and enjoy the good old "Open folder" option.

Thanks for this tip goes to Tamil. Happy surfing, OPERAtors ;)


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