File Dropper Simple File Hosting

Many file hosters require registration before you can use their service which is often sometimes that turns users away from the service. If you are looking for a simple file hoster that lets you upload files with a size of up to five Gigabyte without registration you might want to consider File Dropper.
The basic interface is something that I really like. You can upload one or multiple files from your computer or from an url to File Dropper. There is unfortunately no transfer progress bar which makes it quite a guessing game as to how long the transfer will take before it completes.
Once the transfer is finished you will be presented with an url that is pointing to the file or files that you have uploaded. This url can be send to friends or posted on the Internet so that other users can download the files from that url.
Speaking of which, downloads were rather slow when I tested the service. The download speed never exceeded 10 Kilobyte when I tried it. Could be a temporary glitch or simply that their servers are not capable of handling such a large number of requests at the same time.
The service did get quite some coverage in the past day and is probably overrun currently. Time will tell if new servers will be added or if the service stops existing like so many others before. Another problem that I encountered was that the website lacks information on how long they keep the files on their server.
Once you have uploaded the file you get a link code that you can share with other users, or use the embed code to paste it on forums or other websites directly for sharing.
You can get access to a lifetime account at filedropper with no monthly fees here:
Confirmed. The site is slow and whenever I was trying to update a file (< 5 MB), file dropper gave me an error.
At this time (2008-03-21-14-45-14 GMT+1) even extreeeeemely slow to access the ‘File Dropper’ website itself…