Track your digged posts from your desktop

I just read about one of the best Digg tools ever on Make Use Of, immediately downloaded it and I love it already. Digg Alerter is a simple application designed to track the stories you have submitted to Digg. You can see a list of stories, number of diggs, comments, who dugg it and some other statistics.
One feature I love - as a budding full time blogger - is that I can hear my stories being dug, since it gives you a warm audio alert when such a happy thing happens. I can also see the list of people who dug my story, double clicking on their names will take me to their profile on Digg.
All this is presented in a great interface, nothing more, nothing less than needed. It resides in the system tray, consumes very little resources (4.000 K) and apart from giving me useful statistics about my stories, it is also fun, and fulfilling to watch the counter go up in real time.
Update: Digg after falling from grace due to a number of re-designs that the majority of the audience did not like and a system prone to abuse dropped like a stone in water in past years traffic-wise. Other sites, like Reddit, took Digg's place and the site operators could not turn the site around at all. This eventually lead to the sale of the site, domain and technology, and a complete redesign of the site that put the focus back on news.
What happened though was that all old articles posted on the site were removed in the process, something that part of the community did not like at all.
As a consequence of the new design and technology, old software like Digg Alerter are no longer working. We have removed the link to the program from the article as it makes no sense to still link to it.
Martin I tought you gave up Digg… Oh wait, That’s Dan… nevermind….