Social Wallpapering

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 21, 2008
Updated • Dec 7, 2012

Wallpapers. Can't get enough of them. I have a folder with dozens of wallpapers on my hard drive and am always happy to find another excellent wallpaper website that I have not known before. This time it's a website called Social Wallpapering which hosts a lot of wallpapers and does offer several unique features not known to any other wallpaper website out there.

The basics first. The user has the choice to browse the wallpapers by several filters. Those are standard sized, widescreen wallpapers, dual monitor ones, all or random. Thumbnail sized wallpapers are then displayed and the user can browse through them. A click on a image loads that image in full size. I had troubles downloading the images in Firefox because it always offered me the php file and not the actual wallpaper.

Downloads in Opera worked fine though. The minimum width of all wallpapers on Social Wallpaper is 1280 pixels which ensures a certain quality. Users with lower resolutions can use an image editor to resize the wallpapers easily.

I randomly picked four wallpapers from the standard collection on the website. Think they look really nice.

Social Wallpapering is offering several unique features that make it stick out of the crowd of wallpaper websites. The first that I noticed was that they offer so called Wallpaper packs as torrents. I suppose that this is actually a collection of even all of their wallpapers as torrents to reduce site load and offer the visitor a way to download all the images fast and uncomplicated.

The second is a RSS feed that always displays the latest ten additions to the database. Just subscribe to the feed in your feed reader and get new impressions.

Several features have not been implemented yet. The site will recommend wallpapers to you taking your ratings into consideration. It will offer additional RSS feed options, multiple resolutions for wallpapers, artist information, fix the save as dialog (yihaw) and add a comment function.

SocWall is a side to look out for, it has lots of potential.


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