Bundle Links with Linkbunch
What do you do if you want to send a friend ten links ? Paste all the ten links in an email or Instant Messenger and let him sort through the mess ? Or use a service like Linkbunch which bundles all your links into one and makes them available on a website ? You might say that it does not change a thing and probably even complicates matters because he actually has to make an additional click but it could still be useful for some.
I guess the best application for a service like Linkbunch is if you are restricted to a certain amount of characters. Twitter for instances comes to my mind or sending someone an SMS.
The principle is easy to grasp. Just add as many links as you want into the text field at Linkbunch and click on the Bunch button afterwards to create a random link pointing to that link collection. Take a look at one of the links that I have created to get an idea of the concept.
The links themselves are really short, always starting with http://linkbun.ch/ and random chars afterwards. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that everyone may access those links by guessing the random chars. They seem to be using three chars for the links currently which means a very limited amount of possibilities.
Nice idea. Shame both linkbunch and shrink2one went our of business.
You can now use brief.ly and many.at – not only they bundle many links into one, they also open them together in tabs, like the browser does it.
Checkout more fetures @ http://Shrink2One.com/ Live Thumbnails of websites before clicking them, Optional password and optional Title to your bunch of URLs.
Checkout youorself @ http://Shrink2One.com/
LinkBunch isn’t restricted to three characters. The initial round started from single characters and moved on to two characters after 0-9 and a-z were used up. Same thing happened with two, and now three. As the number of characters increases, it will take progressively longer to exhaust the set. The three character codes will be around for quite a while, but eventually four will kick in.
Thanks for the review!