Drop.io great file hoster

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 28, 2008
Updated • Dec 15, 2012

I normally do not write about file hoster because most simply offer the same service using a different interface and website address. Drop.io on the other hand is pretty unique because of several features. Users do not have to signup to store (drop) their files at Drop.io and the only limitation is a maximum size of 100 Megabytes per drop.

A drop can contain several files as long as they do not exceed 100 Megabytes. If you want to store more create another drop. Each drop is accessible through a unique url which gets added after www.drop.io. The unique aspect is that users can select the name of the drop as long as the name of the drop has not been already used by another user.

Drops can be password protected which means that only users with the password can access the drop and its files. Drops get automatically deleted after a set period of time which can be defined by the user as well, the range is from 1 day to 1 year. It should be noted that the time can be prolonged by the creator of the drop.

Another interesting aspect is that files can not only the added using the Dropio homepage but also by other means like email or mobile phone. Files can be send as an attachment to the email address [email protected] and will be added if they do not exceed the maximum allowed file size.

Update: Drop.io has been bought by Facebook. The service will cease to exist in the coming months. Read all here.


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  1. Anonymous said on October 30, 2010 at 8:43 pm

    And now it is gone!
    Its a shame.

  2. Syahid A. said on February 2, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    Yeah, this one is reliable with a very, very intuitive interface. Thumbs up! Another good one is Senduit.

  3. Jawwad said on January 29, 2008 at 1:31 am

    Nice find! I thought the DivShare is the best after reading a lot of rave reviews about it but I will try this one as well. Droping files by email is something I have not seen so far in any other service.

  4. gokudomatic said on January 28, 2008 at 11:11 pm

    too good to be true. Is this service really viable? Won’t it disappear in 6 months because of bankrupt of the company?

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