Instructables tells you how to do it

How do you cut a Mango, add more Gigabyte to an Ipod Mini, build a Geometric Cut Paper Table Lamp or date a girl who is way out of your league? All of those questions and many more are answered on the Instructables websites which is a community driven website showing people how to create and do things. Two type of instructions are available and it depends on the author if the instructions are by video or by screenshots.
Visitors can choose from nine categories ranging from Art to Life and Tech. Each category contains a lot of how to instructions, most of the time several hundreds that address such a variety in topics that it is hard to classify them at all sometimes. I was especially interested in the Food category which showed me how to harvest bananas (not so interesting), tetris ice cubes (warmer), easy perfect pancakes (even warmer) and make Han Solo in a carbonite chocolate bar! (fantastic).
A lot of how to instructions can be found that work well with kids. They either please and delight them because you have created something that looks nice and interesting (no not the Barbie Doll Electric Chair) but Write or Draw with Light, Ice Gems and the Pop-Up Pyramid. This is a great website that has lots to offer, check it out.
What is interesting is that you can download the instructions as pdf documents to your computer to print them out or consult them while creating whatever you just downloaded.
The site often lists seasonal lists at the top. Currently, you get Christmas Chocolate and Christmas Candy recipes at the top that you can browse through to find those that look most delicious or are simply to make, or both.
This is one of the go-to sites if you are looking for things to create with your own hands.