Change Folder Icons with ease

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 30, 2007
Updated • Feb 17, 2013
Software, Windows

The majority of folders in Windows use all the same icon which was probably done to provide users with an easy way to recognize them and distinguish them from files. While this may be helpful for novice users, advanced users may want to configure their system so that folders look different depending on their purpose or the files they contain so that they are easier distinguishable from each other.

It is for instance possible to give all folders containing media files a distinctive icon, all work folders another one and all software folders a third. The software Folderico can change the folder icon of any folder in Windows XP and Windows 2000. This can be done by right-clicking a folder and selecting Folderico from the menu.

A set of icon suggestions is then shown and the icon the user chooses will be assigned immediately.You have options to change folder icons that are displayed when you right-click a file in the options.. Five icon sets are preinstalled including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Crystal Clear icons.

Folderico has an option to import icon libraries in icl format to add even more folder icons to the software. One great feature of Folderico is the permanency of the change. Even if you change a folder on an USB drive or network drive and disconnect that drive the changed folder icon will still be visible because of the way the icons are saved.

If you would connect the USB device to a friends computer it would still show the changed folders. If you are unhappy with the icon of a folder that you have selected for it you can simply swap it to another one or reset it which would change it to the default icon of Windows again.

Update: The latest version of the program is fully compatible with newer Microsoft operating systems such as Windows Vista and Windows 8 as well.


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  1. Synergetic Services said on October 31, 2008 at 11:19 am

    Hi Ghacks,

    Using the inbuilt functions in Windows a person can search for the icon files in a system and can change the folder icons, provided with the fact that, the user can download icons according to his/her wish. So, can you explain the need/features for this Folderico software which costs 1.3Mb space.

    Thank you.

    1. Eric said on March 6, 2012 at 6:25 pm

      In Windows 2000, users are only able to change the icon for folder SHORTCUTS, not folders themselves. Folderico overcomes this limitation and allows the user to set custom icons on ANY folder.

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