Is that the future? Waiter free Restaurants

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 29, 2007
Updated • Sep 1, 2013

Companies try everything to reduce labor costs to a minimum by automation, which simply means replacing humans with computers, and outsourcing, which means producing in countries with lower labor costs. The ideal world for those companies is a world without labor costs at all to maximize profits and please the shareholders.

A restaurant owner in Germany had the brilliant idea to replace waiters with a automated system that would send the food on rails right from the kitchen to the customer who ordered the dish. Customers order their dishes using a touchscreen that is also keeping them informed about delivery time and payments using an ATM like system.

The kitchen is located on the top floor of the restaurant and dishes are served using the rail like system and gravity to reach the customers. No word however on how the plates are making their way up again after the customers finish their meal.

When you look at the sBaggers homepage you'll notice that the restaurant is still operating. Prices on the menu are not overly expensive, but not as cheap as you would them to expect.

What better way to experience the system with a video? Watch the following video to see how the restaurant operates.

The noise the dishes make when they reach the table, and the fact that you need to plate them yourselves are two major turn downs for me personally. It would still be a nice experience, but likely nothing that I'd like to experience on a day-to-day basis (unless the food rocks).

Since everything is automated, there is no option to ask questions, for instance about the choice of wine, or whether an ingredient is in the dish that you are allergic against.

I guess it is more the attraction of having eaten in such a restaurant that attracts attention, more than anything else.


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  1. Luther von Ruckerson said on September 3, 2007 at 3:33 am

    Seems rather similar to what sushi restaurants have been doing for a long time…

  2. OLIRC said on August 29, 2007 at 4:27 pm

    Deja Vu as this could be scenes from the movies Back In Future 1 – 3 where Michael J Fox visits a restaurant or a café where there are no labour but just machines serving in the future,

  3. gnome said on August 29, 2007 at 10:17 am

    Definitely dystopic, even though companies can’t understand they absolutely need labour. It’s what they have to exploit in order to make money…

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