Anti Mosquitoes
Anti Mosquitoes is a very unique software. The main purpose of Anti Mosquitoes is to prevent that mosquitoes come anywhere near your computer by using sounds that are barely audible to humans. This is at least what I think it does, the problem is that the developers homepage is in Thai only and the program itself has little information in English. I'm saying barely audible because it creates a noise that is audible and - at least for me - kinda annoying. The only way around this would be for me to wear a headset and listen to music while Anti Mosquitoes is running.
I was a little bit confused in handling the software. It starts to play the noise when you click on stop and stops when you click on play. Kinda confusing at first. It is possible to set various parameters like Time and Value Change in the software and the author suggests that you play around with it to get the best results for your situation.
It would be great to hear from someone who is having a problem with mosquitoes to get a feedback if this software is indeed working.
Update: The program has not been updated for some time now. The developer website is still listing Windows XP as the newest compatible Microsoft operating system. We have tested the program under Windows 7, and it appears to be fully compatible with that operating system as well.
The functionality itself has not changed a lot. You can configure the program to make sounds against mosquitoes or flies now, and make modifications to the frequency, time, values and durations. You can save the modified settings to load them again whenever you start the program again.
It may be worth a try if you are plagued by mosquitoes or other insects that respond to the sound of the program.
I’m currently using this software ^^.
You should tried the latest version. 3.3
However, 3.3 is a Demo version, I have no idea how to contact the programmer and u cant buy it either.
Also, you can tr another Anti-mosquito software from the different programmer here (Eng menu):
wahaha… this is the first time i see such unique software.
LOL how could this work, is it tested, i dont think that it would do any good tho!