Karaoke Software for your Computer

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 6, 2007
Updated • Jun 5, 2013
Software, Windows software

Karaoke and Karaoke software is becoming more and more popular since Sony decided to release the first Singstar Playstation 2 Karaoke game. Even friends who never heard of the Playstation 2 before were fascinated by those Karaoke games and some even bought a Playstation 2 only for those games.

In case you did not know, Karaoke means that someone sings the song while only the instruments play in the background. This is tremendous fun especially in conjunction with cold beer. Why beer? Because it makes shy people sing like crazy, and even those who know they cannot sing, start to get in front of everyone to do so.

KaraFun Karaoke Software is a free Karaoke software for your personal computer. All you need is a microphone, some songs and the fun can begin. The Karaoke software comes with three songs: La Bamba, My Way and When the saints go marching in. My Way seems to be only a demo song displaying advertisement after a while.

You can use the Karaoke editor to edit songs from your hard drive and make them Karaoke ready so to speak. This is probably a very time consuming task and you could be tempted to purchase some Karaoke tracks in the store instead. The tracks offered there are overpriced in my opinion: who wants to pay $2.99 for a single Karaoke track?

A far better way in my opinion would be to purchase a Karaoke CD (or more) from Ebay. KaraFunsupports CDG Karaoke CDs so look for them on eBay or other sites.

The software looks nice but is more of a professional Karaoke software than a product like Singstar that concentrates on the gaming aspect instead.

Update: The site operators have improved the service significantly. First, it is now also available as a web app and for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The second change is that it has been turned into a subscription based service. You pay about $10 per month for full access to all songs and programs they offer.

You can still download the PC client and use it separately if you want though, so keep that in mind before you make a decision.


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