Ever wanted to have a keyless door? Here is one
You see keyless doors all the time on TV, in shows like 24 and Alias for instance and every movie in which the military plays a part. They never have normal doors, they use keyless doors that work either by using fingerprints to identify the person and grant / deny access or key cards that offer the same functionality.
It still sounds a lot like science fiction and I bet you never seen something like this on your neighbors door - so, why not be the first one who makes this kind of device?
You never leave your door unlocked with this little device, once the door is closed it is automatically locked and can only be opened by either Fingerprint, PIN or Mechanical Key. It is able to save up to 100 fingerprints with one fingerprint being the master fingerprint which means that user is able to delete the other fingerprints if the need should arise.
The operating voltage is 4 AA alkaline batteries, DC 4.5-6.0v or 9V Stand-by power which should last for about 12 months. I'm not selling this product of course but the price appears to be really fantastic, 199$ for this device plus a free afternoon to replace parts of your door with it. Great bargain if you ask me.
The original device of 2006 is no longer listed on the site of the company that sold it. You can still follow the link above for an assortment of newer updated models and variants that you can install instead. This ranges from top of the link IP Door Access Control Systems for more than $800 to more conveniently priced solutions in the one or two hundred Dollar range that work with fingerprints, remote control RF or plain pin codes.
To be perfectly honest, I'd like to see some studies in regards to the effectiveness of these locks in comparison to traditional locks before I would consider replacing the convention lock with the new one.
oooh, it’s the lock of the future.
tash it keeps people out, if you are in you can go out without problems..
about the key: no idea :P
Looks neat. Where’s the mechanical key go in? I don’t see a keyhole :P
And .. what if you let a friend in your house but don’t put his fingerprint in the door, how will he get out? Or does the door still open from the inside when it’s locked; like a hotel door..
very nice, i would like one off that in my house :D