Soon, you may be able to kill open apps from the Windows taskbar

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 10, 2023
Windows 11 News

The Windows operating system offers several methods to close programs and kill misbehaving processes. From using the x-icon in the program window to right-clicking on programs displayed on the taskbar and selecting close, to firing Alt-F4 at the program. Most of the methods have in common that they may not work if the program is stuck somehow.

In that case, many Windows users open the Task Manager using Ctrl-Shift-Esc, locate the process there to select the "end task" command. While there are still situations where this does not lead to the desired result right away, end task proved to be more reliable for programs that are not responding than other options.

Soon, Windows 11 users may select end task directly from a program's context menu entry on the Windows 11 taskbar.


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  1. dave said on April 12, 2023 at 1:49 pm

    Yeah it’s called task manager.

  2. Anonymous said on April 10, 2023 at 7:40 pm

    An additional stupid functionality that is already included in the task manager. When will we be able to move the taskbar and resume using individual buttons? What matters more is that.

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