The time to buy is now! (Xbox Live edition)

Branded Content
Feb 28, 2023
Updated • Feb 28, 2023
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Every true gamer is aware of his needs. Rarely one has sufficient amount of skins, in-game items, or money. It’s what most gamers want, and therefore it would be a lie to say that a regular gamer doesn’t have an eye on one offer or another. They do. Especially when the end of a season is approaching. Although Christmas is already left in the past, the best time to get new video games and gaming items is now!

Eneba is one of the digital marketplaces where you can purchase discounted digital items from anywhere at any time of the day. Gift cards, subscriptions, and other services are presented in one website, uniting a global network of gamers. Join it and find out the most amazing deals yourself!

What’s next?

What should I buy now? Usually gamers have a specific item on their agenda that they want to acquire. So, the answer is pretty simple - there are as many reasons as gamers in the world. Among the gamers’ wishlists can be a weapon, shield, cloud storage, obtaining a multiplayer, or a new avatar. The list is endless.

However, some alternatives are merely outstanding and propose gamers redeem multiple digital goods simultaneously. Practically all gaming platforms conduct services for that. Steam, PS, Xbox, and Nintendo have gift cards. The latter three are also known for their various subscriptions.

Meanwhile, gift cards are often seen as gifts that can be freely used by the receiver the way he wants, they do not have any exclusive, particular features. To imagine the purpose of a gift card, it would be better to think of a wallet that can be filled with money and then used while going to shop. That is what a gift card does in the virtual gaming world.

So what about subscriptions then?

Subscriptions in the gaming world can be understood as monthly service packages created with the thorough organization. PS used to have a Plus membership, but now it is less than a year that it holds three Plus services - Essential, Extra, and Premium. Although PS Plus Essential reminds us of Xbox Live Gold, the latter two, one can argue, compete with Xbox Game Pass and Pass Ultimate.

PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold concentrate on the quality of gaming - the online multiplayer and providing some other goods - games and in-game items, not in large quantities. What offers larger amounts of digital goods like video games are the Game Passes and PS Plus Extra and Premium tiers. From 100 free video games monthly - yes, you heard it right - at least 100 games of different values are included in a membership costing less than 20 dollars.

Xbox Live Gold - a subscription’s example

In general, all digital products— memberships and gift cards—are used on gaming consoles. It happens that Xbox and PS are the two biggest competitors in the market with relatively similar tech specs and other features. However, PS Plus predates back to 2010, m?anwhile Live Gold’s predecessor Xbox Live - to 2002, making it a notable success for the creators and the gamers.

Nowadays, the service is the epitome of what a subscription should entail. It gives access to multiplayer, two monthly free video games, and exclusive discounts. It is more about quality than quantity, but the no. 1 reason why Live Gold has had a big success is the multiplayer gaming mode.

If you want more games than two, opt for a different subscription. Game Pass might be your key to that. Don’t worry if you’re not an Xboxer. PS typically has access to everything that the Xbox holds. In the meantime, Nintendo has its own Switch Online membership. All are at hand when we consider that Eneba is a digital marketplace open 24/7.

Make gaming more enjoyable, try out new things, and buy when no one else is buying because it might be the best time to do so!


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