Google Discover’s latest Material You update

Aug 19, 2021
Google, Google Android, Mobile Computing

Google Discover forms an integral part of the Pixel Launcher, despite not being everyone’s favorite feature. Android 12 will be bringing a whole new look to Android devices, and Google Discover on Pixel is not missing out.

As was seen in the latest beta version of Android 12, Google Discover now shows a small Material You makeover by using dynamic color. For one, your top banner in Google Discover will now match the color of your background. The minor tweak replaces the white spaces that appear when a Doodle isn’t active. The banner sticks to black in dark mode; however, the Google logo does pick up a subtle color from your wallpaper. The signature rounded corners are also now visible and highlighted by a themed header space.

Google Discover’s latest Material You update

This is not the only tweak that Android 12 has delivered to the Discovery feed, but it is the latest one. For example, Google uncentered their logo in Discovery in May of this year, and Doodles also now takes up the whole feed. All these tweaks combine to give a much better overall feel to the app. Customizing your Discovery will also ensure that you see content for topics that interest you. These slight improvements combine slowly to bring the app closer to Google Now, which it replaced years ago.

If you already have Android 12 beta on your Pixel device, you can test these new features for yourself. First, you’ll need to ensure that you have version 12.32 of the Google app installed on your device. You will also need to join the beta program, which you can do by downloading it from the Play Store.

Closing words

As it comes closer and closer to the stable release of Android 12, we are starting to see more and more Material You features coming alive on various devices. The latest feature being the subtle makeover on Pixel’s Google Discovery app. I am excited to see more of these features coming up as it allows us to get a brief introduction to Material You, one of the best achievements from Android 12.

Google Discover’s latest Material You update
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Google Discover’s latest Material You update
Android 12 will be bringing a whole new look to Android devices, and Google Discover on Pixel is not missing out.
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  1. ShintoPlasm said on August 19, 2021 at 4:07 pm

    Pointless article, seemingly written to grab some Google hits and nothing more. Also continues the unlovely random bolding of words.

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