ClipClip is a freeware clipboard monitoring tool that has a built-in text and image editor

ClipClip is a freeware clipboard monitoring tool that offers more than your traditional clipboard application does. In addition to storing text clips, it comes with a built-in text and image editor.
We have reviewed our fair share of Clipboard enhancing programs over the years. Some of our favorites are Clipboard Master, CopyQ, and Clipboard Help+Spell.
When you run ClipClip for the first time, it recommends you to set a bunch of folders to store various clips in. This is optional, and useful for organizing your clips. You can create your own folders whenever you want to, in case you skip it during the first run.
The GUI of the program is easy to get accustomed to. The side bar lists your clips and folders. Selecting a section displays the clips that it contains on the right pane. Each clip has a title that's derived from the content that was copied. The program also mentions the type of the clip, i.e., text, HTML, Image, etc, which tells you what format the content was saved from. You can change these from the context menu (mentioned below).
Tip: here are three methods to clear the Clipboard in Windows.
View and Edit Clips
Double-click on a clip to view it in the built-in Clip Editor. The clips that you edit here are automatically saved every ten seconds. The image editor can be used to resize, rotate, flip images, set the opacity, adjust the colors, view the histogram, work with layers, apply various effects, borders, and more.
Pasting the most recent clip is easy; place the cursor in the application where you want the content to be pasted and use the hotkey Ctrl + Shift + V. Or, you can use the context menu to copy a selected clip to the clipboard and manually use it wherever you want. The ClipClip system tray menu is another way to paste clips. You can choose from Latest Clips, Saved Clips, Pinned Clips, among other options.
The Edit menu is useful for clearing the clips or saving it to a folder. The contents are saved in their original format in individual files, i.e., text is saved as TXT documents, HTML text in HTML files, images as PNG, JPG, and so on. Saving the clips clears them from the program's interface.
Context Menu
Right-clicking a clip allows you to copy it with or without the formatting, or just the title or the clip's source. Pin a clip and you'll be able to access it from the Pinned Clips panel on the side bar. This menu has options to delete the clip, save it, rename it. You may change the clip type to TXT or RTF or HTML.
The "Translate and use clip" option can be used to directly translate a clip from the original language to any other language that you select, and paste it. This is done instantly. The program uses Google Translate for this feature.
Apply Actions
The "Apply action" options are really handy. These let you convert text from lowercase to UPPERCASE or the other way around, capitalize the first letter, sentence case, reverse the text, sort alphabetically, remove whitespaces or underscores, and shuffle the text randomly.
That's not all, scroll down using the wheel and this menu expands to list more options such as covert the clip to/from Base 64, Calculate MD5 hash, Encode/Decode URLs or HTML, search online, Tweet, Translate it using Google, Bing or DeepL, send to PasteBin, create a short URL, Lookup WHOIS, Send email, replace double quotes with single quotes (or vice versa), use capitalization, hyphenation, read aloud, Markdown to HTML. That's a lot of options.
ClipClip plays a sound when you copy something to the clipboard. A loud click sound indicates new content has been saved, while gentler clicks mean a previously saved content has been copied again. The audio effects can be disabled from the Configuration > General page.
Clicking the close button will bring up a pop-up prompt with options to either exit the program, or minimize it to the system tray. The Window menu can be used for the same, and also has a setting to pin ClipClip to stay on top of other programs.
Head to the Options menu, to toggle the clipboard monitoring, instant paste and simplify formatting. The program saves screenshots that you take with the Snipping Tool/Print Screen. This can be useful in case you accidentally clicked "new" in Snipping Tool, without saving the previously captured image.
ClipClip is compatible with Windows 7 and above. A portable version would have been nice, but given the plethora of features that the application ships with, it's not a deal breaker.

My life has been much easier with ClipClip, as it enables me to sync between my work and home PC with the use of Google Drive. Another favorite feature that has allowed me to finish tasks much faster has been the translator action feature, which you can activate by the use of hotkeys; no need to open google translate on another tab. The screenshot feature works wonders as well, its URL shortener has also allowed me to work inside the same tab, as by the use of hotkeys I can easily shorten my URL.
Overall, I’d say ClipClip is one of the leading Clipboard managers in the market, that not only offers copy and pasting capabilities but so much more!
This one is my favorite clipboard manager.
The reason why I use ClipClip is because of the way it stores clips.
I have multiple computers and I work on both of them and damn, how much it’s useful to be able to store clips on GDrive and then have access to those clips from the other computer. Some rare passwords I use, for example. And you can protect sensitive data with a password.
Another cool feature they seemed added in the last release is a URL preview. Say you have copied a YouTube URL. In ClipClip when you point the mouse over the eye icon in the grid to preview clip it will show you the metadata of the content the URL points to: title, thumbnail, description. Very useful when I try to remember what is that URL from.
Have a look at the website (EULA, privacy policy). Implies adware, collection of personal information and other niceties.
I’m not even trying to install this. Besides, it looks really bloated. A clipboard manager needs to be simple, intuitive and streamlined.
This was what bothered me as well when I was debating whether or not to try it. Free but not open source, and the implication of collecting/selling your data is not inspiring me to switch. Website has a donate button, would be cool if they had just a paid version with privacy.
same this is what bothered me, I even asked about it on the support page and got no response.
This installer contains third-party software, but you can opt-out of any non-essential software. If at any time your wish to uninstall ClipClip or third-party software,
Clipto… one of the best… and run on Android too… give it a try!
CLCL is my favorite clipboard tool, less tham 1 MB RAM usage.
Sounds convincing, specially with the thorough and well written review.
Tldr: any known/perceived security/privacy risks with giving access to sensitive content?
.. Its probably going to make me sound a bit paranoid but given my ignorance and the program’s features choosing which would allow it to capture potentially high-risk personal information, can someone please advise on the security/privacy aspect before I dump Windows 10’s inbuilt clipboard, which despite doing a fairly okay job with capturing copied text and images is in typical Microsoft fashion comes in a rather rigid iteration with poor chances of requisite major changes coming any time in the foreseeable future as has been their staple tradition for far too long to remember.
To add even more to this already lengthy comment, it’d be fair to add that having enrolled in the fast ring insider program, it was great to find the clipboard thingy baked into the os as part of sporadic updates which otherwise would serve little purpose than broken drivers and such. After several months of use can safely say that winkey V does a fine job, pops right up without delay, keeps stuff in scrollable drop down list and the best bit (surely for me as I work with long filenames) – won’t stop renaming items in explorer if you brought up the clipboard manager. But measuring it against other clipboard management programs such as the one in review, it’s limitations become quite obvious given that apart from offering just about no options to customize duration for storing clips or saving/sharing them, its poor support for rich text formatting, suffice for one to shop around for something better.
I’m definitely in for switching to something better, though I’ll wait to hear about the security aspect.
Thanks in advance
I use CoodClip. It is small clipboard manager that does only one thing, gives you access to multiple clip entries, but does it well and that’s all I need.
Just what I wanted a clipboard manager with a load of bloat. I remember thinking the other week wouldn’t it be wonderful if my clipboard manager added an image editor /s We can always count on you to find the obscure and useless.
Useless for YOU. Why are so many Ghacks readers so selfish and short-sighted..? A clipboard manager that includes an image editor and screenshot tool is PERFECT for my needs. One program to replace three? Being able to do all three steps from a single app without having to open two more? Perfect. Yes, if all YOU need is something to simply manage your clipboard, this is not for YOU. Something not suiting YOU does not make it useless or bloated. What size tshirt do you wear? Is every tshirt that is not that size useless and a waste of fabric?
The ClipClip software is given to support Windows XP or later in the FAQ.
When trying to run the ClipClip installer on Windows XP, the installer begins to download a large file related to Microsoft .NET Framework. Not a good sign.
Ashwin – I’d like to thank you personally for this review! You did an amazing job! ClipClip is indeed primarily a clipboard manager, but it’s also a powerful snipping tool. Try out the screenshot feature. We are working now on detecting shapes so that not only will you be able to auto-detect window elements such as toolbars, but you’ll even be able to grab images from websites, cells from tables, or anything else which has a recognizable shape. I can send you a beta build if you’d like to check this out. We’d very much like to collaborate with you to spread the word about our software.
I switched to ClipClip a few months ago after using a few different Clip programs. It’s currently my favorite clip program.
I mostly want a clipboard that copies ‘live url links’ and all that’s required later is left-click the link and bang, it opens your browser (even if closed) to that page. Like 1Clipboard. Others fanny about with this in various ways. Unless I’m mistaken in ClipClip you have to right-click the link, Apply Action, Open in Browser, and choose the browser. Too many steps.
Been hanging on to Clipmate. . . and still working oddly enough, but this looks like a promising replacement and going to throw it on the test rig.
same here, what keeps me coming back to it is its clipbar. having the contents of the clipboard visible in the Windows taskbar is invaluable for me. don’t know why no other clipboard manager has this kind of functionality after all these years.