Winners of Extensions for Windows
A couple of days ago I gave some of you the chance to win one year’s license for Extensions for Windows by simply stating the one feature they would most want to see in Windows.
For those of you who didn't see the article, Extensions for Windows is a set of tools and applications designed to ‘upgrade’ Windows whilst fully integrating with the existing features and functionality. As far as achieving this goal goes, I would say Extensoft gets part-way there… great tools, but the integration isn’t perhaps as comprehensive and seamless as may be expected.
Winners of the competition are:
Bullitt - “One thing I would like for Windows to have built in is a program that keeps your software up-to-date, much like Ubuntu has.â€
Agreed, after using Ubuntu I too wanted this functionality in Windows very much. Hopefully with time Windows Update will eventually encompass more software.
Will - converter (that can convert audio and video to the required format). I’m sick of using 20 different applications to perform the required task.â€
I couldn’t agree more, although Windows Vista does come with Windows Media Encoder it’s slow and often error-prone.
Mike Martin - The one thing I would love Windows to have out of the box is a powerful dual pane explorer like the excellent Total Commander. Also I would appreciate the ability to use custom window themes without having to hack DLL’s.
Unfortunately it doesn’t look like Windows 7 will include this (although I was hoping it would), but luckily Extensions for Windows has a great dual pane and tabbed explorer you can try. I agree with the custom visual themes as well, Windows really needs them.
Emyol - Real Powerful Shortcut manager with Function touch replacement.
Luckily for you, Extensions for Windows includes a great Shortcut manager, although not Function Touch replacement =P
Carl - This looks pretty slick. Having virtual drives and file conversion built into windows would be fantastic!
Extensions includes a virtual drive manager and creator, PDF converter and Image converter. Enjoy.
As you can see from the comments above and on the original article, this set of tools has been chosen well, in fact most of what people requested is included as part of it.
@darkkosmos you’re missing the point.
I want Windows to be fast core without bundled crap. :) Techie me.
;_; A little googling and all the problems listed can be solved