Nokia PC Suite 7

Nokia released a new version of their PC Suite about a month ago. PC Suite is the PC software for Nokia phone owners to manage the phones on the computer. The software application seems to grow in size with every release, the current version is Nokia PC Suite with a size of 34 Megabytes.
Basic functions that Nokia PC Suite 7 provides are backing up important data of the mobile phone, synchronizing all kinds of data like contacts, emails and calendars and providing Internet access for the computer the mobile phone is connected to.
That is obviously not all. The PC Suite can check the availability of new firmwares for selected mobile phones and instantly download them to the computer. Besides that you get a file manager and administration of messages, contacts and multimedia files on the mobile phone.
It's furthermore possible to install applications on the mobile phone. My personal opinion is that it looks like the new version of the Nokia PC Suite comes with improved performance, everything feels a tad faster and more responsive.
Update: The latest version of what is now called Nokia Suite has a size of almost 90 Megabytes. It has grown considerable ever since we have posted this news article here on Ghacks.
Update 2: Nokia seems to maintain multiple versions of the PC suite. We have found another version on the same website that has a size of 66 Megabyte. It is not clear how the programs differ.
It is probably safest to download the latest version of Nokia's PC Suite from a third party download repository to make sure the latest version of the program is downloaded and installed on the computer.
Softpedia for instance lists Nokia PC suite as the latest version at the time of writing.
Just got the NPC 7
i have installed pc suite 7 on my pc, i am having IVT bluetooth seperately. how to install the appilaction on my 3110 classic mobile
The cleaner program crashes on my machine. (XP Pro)
Nokia PC suite 7 does not install in vista. I tried 3 Vista computers already but it always says ‘ installation failed, file cannot be specified’
I actually think the suite is actually pretty good, it’s just too slow…
>How Nokia manage to reach 34MB for its setup ??? Is there any serious alternative to this software ?
Depends on what you need but general answer is – not really. I think driver for modem can be installed separately and most file transfering can be done in connect as flash drive mode… But full package is full package, mobile phones are kinda very closed systems.
There are some 3rd party apps for managing mobile phones but they are mostly payware and I don’t remember any focusing on Nokia phones.
How Nokia manage to reach 34MB for its setup ??? Is there any serious alternative to this software ?
Nokia PC Suite 7 is a definate improvement, like you said performance wise and especially feature wise… however Its still embarressingly slow and laggy for such a major company… ahh well… perhaps Apple and the iPhone will teach them that software matters (excluding MobileMe that is).
7 is definitely an improvement, 6 was nothing but trouble… Nokia even had special utility for fixing mess of 6th version (Nokia PC suite cleaner). Having such tools is like sign of worst software ever (other examples of having special software to fix own mess are Nero and Symantec). :)
I get the feeling that Nokia will be the new Microsoft!
Did you read my article? Seen the Microemulator jar?