Twingly Blog Search

Jun 14, 2008
Updated • Dec 13, 2012

There are two blog searching engines which dominate the market… Google Blog Search and of course, Technorati.

The biggest challenge both search engines face is trying to keep their indexes spam-free and provide accurate results.

Enter Twingly Spam-free Blog Search.

Twingly takes on the blog search market with a home page that is somehwhere in between the between Google’s trademark spartan interface and Technorati’s crowded portal.

In terms of usability and design I think Twingly is defiantly the superior, sporting a suitably web 2.0 style look and easy to use interface. To me Technorati is far too crowded and Google’s blog search a little boring and lacking.

The main features as outlined by founder Martin Kallstorm are

- Spam free search
- Social search. The users enhance the search results by voting on posts they like. Bloggers enhance the search results by linking to posts they like
- Subscribe to search results by RSS and alerts via email
- Language functionality: Translation of search results and filtering based on language
- Twingly widget platform. Parts of can be incorporated into blogs
- Hot Right Now. Overview on hot topics in the blogosphere
- User directed development through a tech plan open for voting.

The only thing I don’t like about this is the need to register a new account to get full functionality from Twingly. Part of the fact Technorati’s ranking systems are no longer considered that accurate is because many people never use the voting or contribution features as they require logging in.

The technology behind the service is maybe the most important aspect, more so then the design or UI. Twingly has a pretty small index at this point of around 30 million blogs concentrated on the region of Europe. There is no explanation of how the Spam free blog service works and although the website has now been released publicly, spam-free search is still labelled as beta.

I think they stand a chance of competing with the aging Technorati, even after it receives 7.5 million in funding as reported by TechCrunch. Technorati is error-prone and losing popularity, Twingly is a fresh face which may or may not prove beneficial to blog owners and readers.


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  1. anonymous said on June 15, 2008 at 3:25 am

    Where is the link to ?? you haven’t even said whether its .org, .net etc. etc.

  2. Stefan said on June 15, 2008 at 1:05 am

    “Spam-free” and “Blog Search”? That combination doesn’t make sense! :-D

  3. Roman ShaRP said on June 14, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    I tried it, and it didn’t work for me. It finds nothing on one Russian keyword when Google search finds about 2,200 pages related to it.

    > darkkosmos says,
    > June 14th, 2008
    > But why would you want to search blogs only? Google search does it for me :O

    If you are active member of blog network, you may want to find good post of one of your friends, which you remember by some keywords. And you may want narrow search to blog-only search.

    Russian search engine Yandex made:
    – search engine for Russian blog services
    – “pulse of blogging community”, where you could see statistics on posts with some keyword in time
    – “Top Ru-net blogs” rating.

    Last proved to be very successful move. They earn good attendance and publicity with it, – people talks about “What is in top 30”, “Why is it in top 30”, “Why that is not in top 30”, “That should be in top 30”, “That must be in top 30”, “Let’s promote that to the top 30 by links to it” and so on.

    Big buzz is a dream of every advertising business, and permanent big buzz is the ultimate success, isn’t it?

  4. joshua said on June 14, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Yea me too normally… but are many times when google just won’t give any decent answers. then I turn to a dedicated engine.

  5. darkkosmos said on June 14, 2008 at 11:20 am

    But why would you want to search blogs only? Google search does it for me :O

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