20 More Online Desktops

Jun 8, 2008
Updated • Nov 13, 2017

I wrote wrote a post last week about online desktops and gave what was in my opinion, the best three of the bunch.

Some of you where pretty interested in the topic and there where a few debates in the comments over which was the best, so I’ve decided I’ll share a list of every online OS that I have found up to now.

Update: Most of the virtual desktop environments listed below are no longer available. We have removed links pointing to solutions that were acquired, shut down or abandoned.

Since last week I have discovered one Webtop which is worthy of a special mention- iCloud. You’ll need an invite to access the iCloud beta, but apply and it’s likely you’ll receive it within a couple hours.

iCloud comes with a UI that is well designed and varies a little more then the other Windows clones. It also comes with some very handy applications, check it out.

No longer available:

  • G.ho.st
  • DesktopTwo
  • myGoya
  • Ulteo
  • GlideOS
  • Jooce
  • iCUBE
  • Online Operating System
  • CosmoPOD
  • Webdesk.in
  • MyBooo
  • Starforce
  • Purefect Desktop
  • AstranOS
  • SSOE
  • Ulteo - comes with Firefox, OpenOffice, Skype, Thunderbird, Gimp and many other programs.
  • Onlive Desktop - Access a Windows Pc in the cloud. Comes with Microsoft Office among other programs.


If I have missed any let me know.

Update: As you can see, many online desktops that we have listed here in this article in 2008 are no longer available. About half of the desktops have been discontinued while others may now offer a different service to users visiting the website.

The online desktops listed above are all working as of December 2012. They all make available a desktop environment that you can use for a variety of operations like opening Office documents, accessing media or checking your latest Twitter messages or RSS feed news.

We have added new online desktop services to the list, and added descriptions to them so that you know what each offers, and if a free version is available or not.

20 More Online Desktops
Article Name
20 More Online Desktops
Stefan decided to list all the online desktop solutions that he could find in an article; so, here it is.
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  1. Dick said on November 25, 2009 at 12:51 pm
  2. bonie said on June 8, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    Anybody try MyBooo ?

  3. colin_w said on June 8, 2008 at 11:52 am

    Here’s a few more that I had bookmarked:

    eyeOS: http://eyeos.org/en/

    Desktop on Demand: https://desktopondemand.com/index.html

    Pytagor: http://www.pytagor.com/

    AJAX Utilities: http://www.ajaxwindows.com/apps/windows/content/index.html

  4. Bree said on June 8, 2008 at 11:39 am

    Fantastic but which of these will work on a phone also so i have a mobile desktop for those emergencies when i need a file or application on the go?

    Then we’d have a winner

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