Minimal Music Sharing

Jun 3, 2008
Updated • Dec 14, 2012
Music and Video

With conventional music distribution methods becoming less and less effective with every year and the associated corporations increasingly desperate a growing group of services have been springing up to offer way for people news ways to share music.

Some, like LastFM, offer a comprehensive service in which you have a profile and can interact with other lastFM users. Bands can be commented on and reviewed and based on your listening habits new bands will be suggested to you.

The latest start-up to cause the biggest buzz has been Muxtape, a highly minimal music may upload only 12 songs to their 'muxtape'. It's a struggle to condense your entire collection into just a dozen songs, but what it does do is guarantee the quality of people's muxtapes.

In fact it would be a great way to discover new songs, except that a search function is not included in the service. Luckily someone else started up MuxSearch recently. To use the mix tape search engine simple enter a genre, song, artist or other phrase in the search engine to be presented with a set of results. Search is blazing fast and should get you the results you are looking for provided they are available on the muxtape website itself.

If you like these minimal song sharing services then why not try Tiny Song? First simply search for the song, select it from the list it suggests. From here you can send the link to a friend to listen to.

The link will open the song up in Grooveshark and begin streaming instantly. You'll find it sure beats telling someone to go download a song, then having to download it for them when they can't find it, then having them not like it anyway.Forget feature filled startups, these are the way to go.

TinySong is interestingly enough also still available. Just enter a song you are interested in to be taken to Grooveshark. Note that you may or may not be able to use Grooveshark depending on the region you are living in.


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