Linux Distribution Chooser

Martin Brinkmann
May 9, 2006
Updated • Nov 5, 2017

I've watched the E3 conferences of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft today and had little time to update my site because of the hour-long streams. Just a quick link to a very nice website that helps you find the right Linux distribution for your needs.

Update: The web service is no longer available. We suggest you check out the Distro Chooser website instead which works nearly identical. You need to take a quick test that determines which Linux distributions are best suitable for your use cases. You can skip questions and weight answers differently.

Linux Distribution Chooser

The Linux Distribution Chooser website assists you in finding a Linux distribution that works best for you. It uses a short test to find out about your personal experience with Linux and computers in general, and your computer in particular.

The data is then used to select the most appropriate Linux distribution from a selection of supported distributions including Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Fedora, Mandriva and Debian.

To start, click on the take the test button on the site's frontpage and select the language you want to take the test in. Once that is out of the way it starts with basic questions to find out your level of computer knowledge. After that it begins with the questionnaire to uncover the best suitable Linux distribution for your.

linux distributor chooser

Questions include whether you are familiar with partitioning a hard drive, where you want to install the Linux operating system on, if your cpu is a 64-bit processor, and how old the computer is the distribution will be installed on.

Depending on your level of experience, you may not be able to answer all of the questions. There is unfortunately no help option available, or option to skip a question so that you may need to do some testing of your own or pick one of the available options without really knowing if it is the correct choice in the situation. Sometimes the test offers to display a short explanation that helps you answer a question, but that is not the case all the time.

The website displays more than one result, showing the best match at the top but with the possibility that multiple distributions receive the same score. Distributions may be listed here that miss a feature that you require, If that is the case, the missing feature is listed here as well so that you can decide whether you want to give it a try regardless of that.

Each result links to the main website of the distribution where you can download it to your computer system and access additional information about it.

Linux Distribution Chooser
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Linux Distribution Chooser
Linux Distribution Chooser is a free web service that helps you find the right Linux distribution based on a series of questions that you answer.
Ghacks Technology News

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  1. PeterB said on March 22, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Hello Ghacks and Martin

    I just took the test. I general, I agreed with the result.

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