Download pictures from Webshots without logging in

Martin Brinkmann
May 8, 2006
Updated • May 4, 2013
Image, Internet

Do you love little tricks and tweaks that make life easier as much as I do? I love to download videos from Google video for instance and save them as avi. A little trick does that. I also love to visit sites that let me download content without having to login or purchase a premium account. The site has a database of more than 300 million pictures that you can browse and view as a thumbnail.

If you want to view some images in real size or download them you will have to log in. If you don't you won't see a picture. This is were the webshots photo catcher comes into play. It's a website that has a form field that processes webshots urls. You copy a url, paste it into the form and hit get it. A download prompt for the full image appears and you are free to download it.

Update: The Webshots Photo Catcher website is no longer available, and as far as we know, there is no alternative available that lets you download photos from the Webshots website. While you will find a few programs that claim to do that, they all have not been updated for at least a year, which is an indicator that they may not work anymore. Some of them even require you to have a premium account to use them at all.

Update 2 The Webshots website has been redesigned and it seems that the photos that it once used to display are n longer listed on it. It seems to have been turned into a photo management and sharing service called Smile. A help file notes that all photos and videos have been removed from the Webshots website as of  December 3, 2012. Gold or Premium member photos have been imported into the new service.


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  1. Roberto said on January 8, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    The “Webshots Photo Catcher” doesn’t work, said Image Not Found. I use the “URL”, and the “direct link to image” and Nothing happend :S

  2. Martin said on May 10, 2006 at 9:55 am

    It´s working for me, using this bookmarklet and firefox.

  3. Lorissa said on May 10, 2006 at 9:16 am

    Hmmm. This doesn’t work for me, but even if it did you’d have to like incomplete videos (these are shorties, a preview, simply an appetizer) and in very low quality.

  4. Martin said on May 10, 2006 at 7:57 am
  5. Freddie said on May 9, 2006 at 10:19 pm

    Thanks for all your usefull tips! You mention there is a way to save Google Videos to AVI. Can you share that tip also? (Sorry if you already posted it and I missed it)
    Thanks in advance!

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