Android 14 will bring app-level screen recording

Kerem Gülen
May 22, 2023
Google Android

With a few months remaining until Android 14 starts making its way to compatible devices, details about the upcoming iteration of Google's operating system have been gradually emerging. The information flow commenced back in February with the release of the initial developer preview. As the development progressed, the unveiling of Beta 1 not only expanded the scope of insights but also provided a more refined glimpse into the forthcoming features. The latest chapter in this journey unfolded during Google I/O 2023, where Google unveiled Beta 2, thereby completing the current information landscape surrounding Android 14.

The current phase of Android 14's development is undeniably captivating as Google dedicates its efforts to the addition and testing of new functionalities. This dynamic period, stretching at least until June, allows ample space for further growth and refinement in this regard. However, there will come a pivotal juncture when priorities shift towards ensuring the reliability and stability of the system. At that juncture, the spotlight on new features will gradually diminish, as the primary objective becomes delivering an impeccably polished operating system to users in a timely manner.

Subsequent beta releases will provide us with a comprehensive glimpse, if not the entirety, of what Android 14 has in store and the array of offerings it will bring. However, until that time arrives, we will continue to rely on previews and leaks disseminated through third-party sources. This information channel has become integral in the tech industry, offering insights that are highly sought after by enthusiasts. It is worth noting that while this channel proves invaluable, there are instances where it can present challenges and dilemmas for the companies involved, although it's important to clarify that such complications are not applicable in the current context.

Exciting news awaits us in the forthcoming version of Android, as revealed in a recent preview shared by Mishaal Rahman, a knowledgeable freelance journalist focusing on the Android platform. Android 14 is set to introduce enhanced control over screen recordings, a feature that has seen a surge in usage due to its versatility. This functionality empowers users by enabling them to effortlessly share instructional guides, capture memorable moments from video calls, and explore numerous other possibilities. The added flexibility and convenience offered by improved screen recording capabilities are bound to enhance the overall user experience on Android devices.

Limit screen recording to a specific app

Currently, Android provides options to disable sound and hide touch gestures during screen recordings. However, the existing drawback is that all on-screen content, including notifications, is captured, potentially compromising privacy when sharing videos. Thankfully, Android 14 brings a significant improvement in this aspect.

Image source: Unsplash

The upcoming version will introduce the ability to limit screen recording to a specific app. This means that if a screen recording is in progress and a notification pops up, it will not be included in the recorded video. This advancement eliminates the need to restart the recording consciously or accidentally if an unwanted notification appears. The inclusion of this feature undoubtedly marks a notable stride forward in terms of safeguarding privacy during screen recordings.


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