FileMess, Pattern-Based File Sorting

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 19, 2011
Updated • Jan 21, 2013
Software, Windows software

If you ever had to sort a huge amount of files stored in the same folder you know that automation can speed up the sorting considerable. Maybe you want to sort the folder with hundreds of mp3 files that you have downloaded or recorded, maybe a download folder that you never cleared before.

FileMess is a free software for Windows that can sort files based on patterns and actions defined by you. Note that the program scans and processes both the root folder and subfolders automatically.

New rules are configured with a click on the Add button in the program interface. Here it is possible to select the desired action (move, copy or delete), the source and target path on the computer system and the pattern that is used to identify the files.

The above screenshot shows a rule that moves all executable files from the downloads folder to a temp folder. The program scans the selected folder automatically once a new rule has been created and displays the amount of files discovered in the main interface. The selected action is automatically performed on files matching the patterns, a refresh button is available to repeat the process in the future.


The program supports wildcards and substitutions, there is however no help file or tooltip listing all of them.

File Mess is a handy tool for users who need to copy, move or delete files based on their name or type. The application could use a preview window to display the affected files before the action is carried out and instructions on how to create advanced patterns.

The open source application is available for download at the developer website. It is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows, it was tested on a 64-bit edition of Windows 7 Professional.


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  1. seenu said on January 22, 2011 at 8:42 am

    Very useful tool for the people who download files regularly from internet.

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