Record any sound on your computer

I always thought that it should be theoretically possible to record any sound that you are hearing on your computer. While I knew that there were programs out that that allowed you to record audio from select applications, say Skype or Teamspeak, I wanted to find an application that would enable me to record audio regardless of its source. As long as it is audible, it should be recordable, right?
A universal program can be useful in a number of situations. From recording audio chat over great tunes that you hear in computer games to recording video or audio that is being streamed to your computer.
It needs to be noted that you may be up for a bit of cutting after the recording, as the program cannot really distinguish between different types of audio as it just records what is audible on the computer for as long as you let it.
The freeware that I'm speaking of is called MP3 My MP3 Recorder. After installing the application you specify the source from where you want to record the audio from. You may select from the following sources: Phone Line, Microphone, Line In, CD Player, AUX, SPDIF, Stereo Mix and Mono Mix. Stereo Mix for instance should be a great selection for most purposes. Once that is done you should fine tune the recording level for best results.
To do so take a look at the bar on the right side of the program window which should not peak into the red area at all times. Once that is done click on settings to specify the bit rate for the sound that will be recorded (between 32 and 320). You may also set a time limit for the recording but the default is to record until you stop the recording.
If everything is set the way you want it to be you click on the (red) recording button to start the process. The buttons to stop and play the already recorded songs will become active once that process has started.
I think this is a great tool if you want to record audio fast and easy. The quality is pretty nice as well.
- You can select the desired output format and bitrate. Note that the quality can't exceed the source.
- The program ships with a scheduler that you can use to schedule regular recordings.
- The rename tab enables you to rename recordings right in the interface. The find and replace option is particularly nice for that, especially if you have listed multiple recordings on the page.
- You modify the input device under Record in the interface.
and we want adware because…
it does not install with user consent, it is wrapped in a so called survey that includes a field for postal codes(god knows what you need that for^^), and when clicking to close it down it installs anyway..that is malware behavior and no sir, we do not want any of that
RelevantKnowledge is a market research program. The software is installed with user’s permission
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part in occasional surveys. In addition, RelevantKnowledge donates a tree for every user’s participation.
This way the user helps out a good cause. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact us at
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The Relevant Knowledge Support Team
Try recording internet sound on Lenovo E420. As soon as I start Freecorder, the sound disappears. I have not been able to find a fix, and I am not sure if I ever will. My old IBM Thinkpad had no such problems.
this s karikaalan from tamilnadu, india
i have a small doubt i am hearing a song from online
how to record the song from the online radio
Thank you so much. All that hard work and you give it away free. It is a fantasticpiece of software……Thank you……………Thank you.
Only bummer is it installs relevantknowledge malware. Category:
Potentially Unwanted Software
This program has potentially unwanted behavior.
Permit this detected item only if you trust the program or the software publisher.
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlvknlg.exe
View more information about this item online
use a bit torrent
where can i download garage band for free?
this is an awesome program
These both seem like really cool products. What were your experiences with Teamspeak in particular. What is the advantage of this over the built in recorder?
you have simply way alreadt built into ur pc to record.U just have to know How to tweak iy
dk I really don’t know how to help you because I’m personally not using yahoo mail. did you try google to find a solution ?
You are right, Audacity is capable of doing the same and more of course. I just had to hit record and it would record the sound that was currently playing.
The advantage of Audacity is that you can work with the recorded sound.
hello can anyone help me inserting images between text in an email(yahoo).
audacity is the one… just select select stereo mix as a recording source in your soundcard settings…
-is a good low Ram profile tool
-support Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux
-allow you to record live sound whit any sound device (software/hardware emulation included)
-it’s free (GNU General Public License (GPL))
Audacity sucks. It randomly breaks up the one recording into like 12 different files and deletes some bits.
@leo sucks ?! You are out of your proverbial MIND sir…not only is Audacity easy to use and as good as if not BETTER than Pro Screwed but it is also FREE….perhaps you should learn how to use the fuckin thing before u rip on it man cuz it SLAYS, and anyone who has half a brain can use it, especially if u r used to audio editing software…as for the “randomly breaks up the one recording into like 12 different files” thing well, that sounds like a virus or something cuz mine sure doesnt do that…perhaps it is the temporary files u r talking about? Would not suprise me…if in doubt, dump your work to a .wav or .mp3 after u save the overall project, it ain’t rocket science…EVERYONE should download this software, its just about the best free multitracker you are going to find anywhere, and believe ME man, I have LOOKED….