Microsoft has no plans to make future Windows 10 updates like Windows 10 1909

Microsoft released the November 2019 Update for the company's Windows 10 operating system on November 12, 2019. The update is available to "seekers", administrators who run manual checks for updates on devices running Windows 10 or who use the Update Assistant or other tools to download and install the new feature update.
Windows 10 version 1909, the November 2019 Update, is special as it is the first feature update that has not been released like all other feature updates that came before it.
The core difference is that the update is turned on using what Microsoft calls an enablement package; this package is merely a switch that activates the new version as all of its files were already planted on systems that run the May 2019 Update for Windows 10.
Since the new version is turned on with a simple update, the process of upgrading to the new version is faster and less error-prone than before. One downside to the process is that there are not many changes when compared to the May 2019 Update.
It was not clear up until recently whether future Windows 10 feature update releases would follow the upgrades released in 2019 -- meaning one major feature update and one minor, faster update -- or if Microsoft would restore the old two major feature updates per year process.
During a discussion on Mixer, Microsoft revealed that it has no plans to use enablement packages in the future. While that does not mean that the company won't be using these in the future, it appears that the company will return to the two feature updates per year schedule of earlier years.
One of the questions presented during the presentation and the answer that Microsoft gave was the following one:
Q: Will we see this cycle for every year? Major feature update in H1, more minor feature update in H2, one cumulative update for both?
A: Delivering the 19H2 feature update via cumulative update and an enablement package is a pilot program. There isn't a formal plan in place to deliver future releases in the same way. We are closely monitoring feedback and hoping to learn from this type of release to help influence our future plans
There you have it; Microsoft confirms that it may use the new process in the future but that it does not have plans to do so in 2020.
Closing Words
I still think that two feature updates per year are too many. First, because it adds a lot of stress to administrators who have to deal with these updates -- which take longer than regular cumulative updates and are more error-prone -- and second, because these don't add too many new features to the operating system either that would warrant a major new release.
Now You: What is your take on this? Is two major feature updates one to many? (via Windows Latest)
After i read most of the comments it seems to me that some ‘Microsft’ employees are hard work here to clear the name of this failed product.
It just worries. :)
all newer version of windows became so fat and ugly. testing beta version on users – very bad idea.
i’m trying 10 ltsc and have a lot of troubles with locked file associations(why its happened, indian programmers?), system restore still useless – restoring nothing, any new updates=new random generated bugs. I migrated back to 8.1, and nothing bugs, crashes.
Jonathan Sherry: Re your “sweet, sweet Windows compatibility” comment, this isn’t true in my case. I have several programs that I bought back when I used XP that simply won’t install on Windows 10 and compatibility mode doesn’t work for any of these programs. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, some (but not all) of these programs run on WINE in Linux, so WINE can do something Windows 10 can’t, which makes Windows look pretty damn incompetent in this instance. I run all these old XP programs in VirtualBox without an internet connection both on Windows 10 and Linux Mint (luckily for me none of these programs require internet access).
As for your other comment “we get whining from people who feel their privacy is somehow being invaded by a system that aggregates data in an impersonal fashion”, there’s a difference between whining and valid concerns. I have no idea what telemetry exactly Win 10 sends to its servers about me because it doesn’t tell me. If the telemetry was purely there to identify and fix software and hardware issues I’d have no issue with telemetry at all, in fact I’d welcome it, providing Windows was totally transparent about what information it’s sending to its servers and providing I had total control over what information was and wasn’t sent and providing I could check that the data that IS sent doesn’t contain any personally identifying information. However if Windows is using telemetry for anything other than security & enhancing performance, I want to know that and I want full control to be able to block such telemetry as I see fit. That’s not whining, that’s just being privacy-conscious and wanting control over what MS knows about me. I use uBlock Origin in Firefox to block trackers and I’ve set Firefox to block fingerprinters for the same privacy-conscious reasons.
And as for your comment “90% of which are average users who think of their computer like a coffee maker, an appliance used to do a job”, a computer IS an appliance used to do a job.
John C: I’ve managed to disable forced updates on my unlimited broadband on my home laptop by selecting the “metered connection” option in the WiFi settings. Took me a while to discover that option even existed though and yes I agree forced updates are horrible. I could live with forced Defender updates because they’re small and quick and I could live with other security updates like security patches, asssuming I could choose a convient time to install them (and no restart is required), but any other updates that aren’t security related should never be forced on anyone. People should be able to pick and choose which non-security updates they want to install by means of tickboxes and should be able to install them at a time that suits them (e.g. not during business hours). I also agree the telemetry is way over the top. (a) it should be opt-in and (b) there should be an option to totally disable it and (c) an option to totally uninstall it. I’d also like options to uninstall Cortana, the Store and Flash. (I tried a Win 10 debloater I found on Github and it totally screwed up my updates so I had to reinstall Win 10 from the recovery partition on my laptop). I’d also like an option to select the search engine that is used when you search for items in the search box in the Taskbar. Bing wouldn’t be my first choice and I’d also like the option to completely turn this search feature off (or uninstall it) and just have local searches only, not local searches combined with web searches. If I want to do web searches I use a browser. I’d also like Windows to take a leaf out of Linux’s book and make it possible to update without restarts being required. And sort out the size of the cumulative and feature updates – they’re far too large and take far too long to install. I’d like to see Windows stop all feature updates and fix all the current problems with Windows 10 before it even considers developing yet more features.
Xs: You wrote “Important to note you can turn off telemtry. Just use the built in firewall and block everything except your browser. Should work for even Home editions.” And how do I know that the built-in firewall made by MS hasn’t whitelisted certain IP addresses so that the OS and installed apps can phone home? There’s no transparency, so I don’t know.
JohnIL: “I’m not sure why Microsoft needs a cadence of any kind for feature updates. Push them out as needed as optional updates.” Couldn’t agree more. Just release updates as they’re developed, don’t bundle them all together into a huge update that takes ages to install. And give users tickboxes so they can choose which optional updates they want to install. (And let them choose which optional updates that have already been installed they want to uninstall). Linux Mint updates take a couple of minutes at most because they’re small and regular. I probably get 2 or 3 updates a week. The kernel updates and LibreOffice updates can take a bit longer (between 5 and 10 minutes), but I can install them when I find convenient and no restart is required even for kernel updates.
Lee: In future, try drive imaging software like Macrium Reflect (which is free). If your computer gets screwed up you can be up and running again pretty quickly (about 30 mins in my case, YMMV). Make sure you create a recovery USB after installing Macrium Reflect, because if Windows fails to boot you can still access any backups using the USB stick. Find out how to boot your computer from a USB stick because it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer: Google something like “boot from USB stick” followed by the name of your computer manufacturer. Save Macrium Reflect drive backups to an external drive and/or the cloud and/or USB sticks and/or a data partition on your C drive. Make regular backups, and especially after every successful Win 10 update.
notdumbblond: You wrote “Both Crapple and Microscam don’t need to care about quality because Linix requires users to install their own codex to get music and video working.” *Linux *codecs. Your statement seems like a non sequitur to me. And in any case, on Linux Mint I can listen to Spotify just fine using the Spotify app. I can also listen to tracks (and see their videos) on YouTube and I think the VLC Media Player is also available to install (or installed by default? I can’t remember). When you install Linux Mint you’re asked if you want to install proprietary software for things like Flash, WiFi support, codecs, etc. I selected this option then uninstalled Flash afterwards. I can watch Netflix on Linux Mint in Firefox with the Widevine plug-in. Haven’t been able to test DVDs because my laptop doesn’t have a DVD player (I watch DVDs on my TV). You could try running Windows 7 in VirtualBox on Linux Mint (or another newbie-friendly Linux distro) and then you could still run your Win 7 programs and not have to switch to Windows 10. If the Win 7 programs don’t need internet access, then don’t grant VirtualBox internet access for security reasons when Win 7 support ends at the start of next year. If the programs DO require internet access, you might have success with Reboot Restore Rx to keep Win 7 safe when you’re online.
GSP: You wrote “Except Microsoft isn’t snooping on your browsing”. It is if you have Diagnostic Data set to Full.
The SP-like update worked fairly good (still got issues like the erratic Search function), but was a huge step in the right direction, despite that, M$ is going to kill it… totally nonsense… or not?
M$ knows that there is little to no competition (Linux and its endless software compatibility issues and infighting, Mac being expensive as usual) so they can get away with any crap they do, because people can’t simply leave.
I really hope competition arises and forces M$ to leave the comfort zone…
Chromebooks run ChromeOS which can run Android and Linux natively. There is nothing a Windows user can do that I can’t do better on my Chromebook.
It takes some learning to figure out how to do things without installing software, however there is usually an alternative to any MS software from Android or Linux apps.. A lot can be done just in the browser now too! Chromebooks make the perfect PC’s, but I suggest to get a Chromebook 2-in-1 for the all-inclusive device!
> First, because it adds a lot of stress to administrators who have to deal with these updates
If you dislike updates, you shouldn’t be a system administrator. Why would you purposely pick a job you dislike?
ubuntu linux surpassed ms not long ago as-far as market-share goes & this doesn’t surprise me espescially now that w10 wont allow a linux swap-drive.
it’s MSs’ fault tho.
Windows “feature” updates would be OK if they didnt screw up already working features. I had to uninstall 1909 because it ruined my pen functions altogether. Windows always seems to favour eye candy changes over actual function.
The update process itself was fine, it’s just very half-assed at the moment because they share the same baseline.
You’ll see references to build 18362 littered among references to build 18363 all throughout version 1909, depending on where you look. The build number looks fine in winver, but not the Windows Update agent, so all 1909 and 1903 machines reporting to WSUS are indistinguishable. Lots of reporting went out the window on that one. Lots of system devices I’m 1909 reference the old build number too, so that’s fun when you start doing WMI queries against endpoints.
Also, Windows Sandbox didn’t get an updated base. So if you spin it up in 1909, you wind up with a 1903 guest sandbox.
How much extra would it cost to have Windows without updates?
Oh, we can get that. Windows 7. That’ll be it for me.
I have had nothing but trouble with Windows lately. Discontinuing all of the pervious versions is very disrespectful to me the customer. It is pushing me, a long time customer, away. It’s time to start looking for something else to invest with…..
Release one feature update and later in the year release a service pack for further improvements. KISS
I dumped win 10 on new Lenovo had to use a remote keyboard and mouse and a blue tooth wart. Small sacrifice
Loaded win 8.1 and my programs for truck programming all work
Win 10.anything is a walled garden.
When I retire I’m getting a chrome book
Sounds like administration task of safe instructional requirements fullfilled tenure of microsoft windows of intended individual excellence as earned merit as designed.
I couldn’t care less what windows watches me do. All I know is that if I don’t have to use an apple product, I’m happy as can be. That’s about some bullshit right there. I know this is pc/Mac articles but if I had to use an I phone, I wouldn’t use anything!! That’s about some pitiful pieces of crap that I can’t understand how they can sell 15 pieces of hardware a year. I hate them phones with a passion!!! That one button for a whole phone blows my mind. I cannot believe people use that crap. My ex girlfriend was AT
@Shane Romero:
“I couldn’t care less what windows watches me do.”
To quote Edward Snowden, “Saying you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don’t care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.” ;-)
Except Microsoft isn’t snooping on your browsing or sharing your personal details, etc. They have explained how Telemmetry works in Windows 10 extensively. I have taken a 2 hour coruse in Microsoft’s security and telemmetry implementations where you get to see exactly how it works.
Edward Snowden proved and gave hard evidence of the government’s illegal activities. Do you have any regarding Microsoft?
I see a lot of comments about newer Windows being less customizable than Windows 7. This is false. Computers have never been appliances. Microsoft has done an excellent job balancing innovation and backwards support. I don’t expect Microsoft to prioritize customers that are stuck in the 90s.
I became so interested using windows 10 since 2017. My laptop works accurately and more successfully with windows 10 when I used doing all of my tasks, in past three years.
Thanks a lot from Microsoft company, that brings latest updates twice a year. I and all people hope, doing so!
Best regards
Rajab Mirzayee
Trash win10 all you want until you are forced to upgrade. In the meantime, pay for win7 support.
I run Server 2012 R2 with Classic Shell.
[ ]
It is fast, stable and relatively lightweight.
There’s always a caveat, and with this set-up it may be difficult to find drivers for brand-new hardware with which Intel, MS, HP, Dell and others have colluded to ‘not support’ any OS other than Windows 10 ‘or newer’.
forget classic shell, ButtFuzz. it’s been discontinued for almost 2 years now.
Open Shell Menu v4.4.2 stable version is far better
If they only did a feature update once per year people would skip one and start migrating as it approached EOL. Blink and they are 4 years behind. That’s a lose lose proposition. It needs to be fast or people won’t do it and enough of the small changes add up that it becomes an organizational change management issue.
“Microsoft has no plans to make future Windows 10 updates like Windows 10 1909”
Good. Because it was garbage. Completely broke folder file searching had to roll back.
I was pro-windows for years. Windows and Macs are so bad that I am forced to buy desktop just for internet access. I will install Linux system on it. I have stupid software dropping support of Windows 7. I paid good money for because software was brilliant before they made this crap move. Time for the big bs-dogs to have a class action lawsuit whereby they are forced to make things right! Both Crapple and Microscam don’t need to care about quality because Linix requires users to install their own codex to get music and video working. Evil how they don’t care about quality any more! I’ll milk my Windows 7 computer for as long as I can. Might forced to downgrade to 10 just because I spent thousands on this one software! Extremely upset!
“Both Crapple and Microscam don’t need to care about quality because Linix requires users to install their own codex to get music and video working.”
Nope. Plenty of “user-friendly” Linux distributions allow you either opt into (or *not* opt *out* of) installing proprietary multimedia codecs when you’re installing the OS. And I’m pretty sure that these distributions have an all-in-one package you can install if you opted out and change your mind later on. With all of the distros *I’ve* tried, I’ve been able to play video and music out of the box. I suppose you could run into *driver* problems on very recent hardware, but there are often (not always) ways around that, by hunting for a suitable driver, upgrading the Linux kernel, or installing a cutting-edge distro. (I’ve never had to do it. My computers are old!)
If you have expensive Windows-only software that is no longer supported on Windows 7, and you hate Windows 10, check to see whether your software is supported on Windows 8.1. A lot of people seem to really like Windows 8.1 with OpenShell as a Windows 7 substitute, and upgrading to 8.1 would buy you an extra three years’ reprieve (since 8.1’s end of life is in January 2023). You may still be able to find copies for sale. If it’s an OEM rather than a retail copy, it will only be valid for the machine you first install it on, so keep that in mind when deciding how much to pay for it. Also, I’m pretty sure 8.1 is *not* supported on any computer that uses a “Kaby Lake” Intel processor or later (or whatever the equivalent generation of AMD chipset is). But if your expensive software is supported on 8.1, and if you can find a new license for a fair price, and if your computer is pre-Kaby Lake (or the AMD equivalent) but still in good enough shape that you expect it to last through January 2023, 8.1 could be an attractive option. (Just make sure you clone or image your system drive before every Patch Tuesday, in case Microsoft lets a catastrophically bad update slip through. It’s happened before.)
I have been using Windows since 3.1 and will continue using Windows. Yes, there have been bugs in updates, but I have always been able to find a way to adjust settings so I could continue using my PC.
That being said, I will continue with Windows. All OS systems are complex and I realize there may be issues with MY setup after an update. That just means I need to make the necessary adjustments to MY computer and not blaming Microsoft for targeting me specifically to ruin my computer. Take time to educate yourself on how your system works and what needs to be done to correct issues.
Win10 is just garbage spyware, and these kids at MS don’t have the slightest clue as to what they’re doing. I’d personally just stick to 8.1 because it still has support and isn’t as nearly as bad as 10.
I use Windows 10 haven’t had any problems out of it yet… I do recommend any kind of Linux is way better!!! My next computer I get is going to be Apple… Never have had any problems with the Apple devices I’ve had, compared to the windows machines I’ve had in the past…
I will still use windows 7.
I never ‘upgraded’ to 10. Shut off all updates since 2015. Been bliss.
Let face it Windows is failing… I believe they are inept. I have bought a Windows machine for the first time in years..Win 10… It is one of the worst they made. Yeah it’s light and quick.. But it 2 steps forward and 4 back. Its still an OS that boxes you in to their way.. Removes more and more flexibility…. And drops you when it starts to fall apart! … What is that Gov contract they just got ????
And this is why I am still on Windows 7 pro. Because it friggin works and I have no issues. At some point however I plan to switch over to Linux mint, and any and all microscrap products are going into the burning barrel.
They don’t care about their long time customers. Windows 10 uses trackers and keeps an eye on all your data. It’s intrusive, you can’t get rid of Cortana off the taskbar and windows 10 has LESS customization features. It’s a junk operating system and I won’t ever use it. I bet if enough people didn’t use 10 MS would have been forced to keep supporting 7.
Tom R: Right click on the taskbar. Go to Cortana, and Search, select Hide.
And wait for it to randomly re-enable itself.
Microsoft should maintain the two feature updates per year. It is good for the ecosystem and for competitiveness.
Thank you.
Seriously? You people work in IT and don’t know how to rollback a bad Windows update? Young children can do that!
I highly doubt any of these people work in IT…some of these responses are laughably stupid.
I feel so ashamed.I’ll see myself out…
Stick to windows 7
What the hell
This latest update broke my Windows Access 2010 installation on my Windows 2011 Home Server and hopefully Microsoft will roll out its fix as scheduled fir 11/29/2019.
We block the updates until Ms proves that they know what they are doing.Currently running 45% 1803 enterprise, 45% 1809 and 10% 1903. The 1903 are OEM Windows, I never created a 1903 image because of the 18 month support life, but I would have if I had know the 1909 update would be that easy. These updates cause me issues with machines using Symantec encryption, some Dell precision models have to be upgraded manually by sneakernet.I dont need the headaches of the 6 month upgrades so I milk each version as long as I can. I don’t need lock screen issues that 1803 caused or deleted files from 1809. Ms didn’t trust 1809 for the first 5 month why should I!
You guys clearly do not know the support structure of windows 10. Spring releases get support for 18 months. Fall release gets 36 months support. Check your facts before saying crap
@Tom: When does the spring = 18 months, fall = 36 months policy date back to? I ask because Windows 10’s upgrade/update policies and even the nomenclature seem to be moving targets. With Windows 7, it was a service pack, monthly updates, and the odd out-of-band update. Simple, easy to understand, and easy to remember. I gave up trying to understand and follow Windows 10’s policies a couple/few years ago.
The only updates needed each year in and year out are security and kernel efficiency updates. Optional updates and the classic service packs were what worked best.
Have had to give up my own computer time for many hours due to long hours of installs, then declaring failure, and then additional hours without the use of my computer to undo all the failed updates. Totally sick of how consuming are being used. Also spent entire shifts of help call centers promising to correct the problems. THEY have messed I my computer and left me holding the bag.
Uhm, the current version is called LTSC 1809, and the next one should be called LTSC 2009 ;) Let’s hope that one’s good as well, right now LTSC 1809 is quite a good OS with support until 2029.
Sounds absolutely correct that approach. Update accordingly but only feature toggle when all is good
@WorknMan: You know, the Feedback app that comes with Windows 10??
Martin, would be cool if you included more advanced topics,
Open source p2p projects on Github (usenet,decentralized p2p projects)
Raspberry pi things (For myself, after upgrading to pi & linux, it was like upgrading my hardware in my brain ^^
> We are closely monitoring feedback and hoping to learn from this type of release to help influence our future plans
Where can we leave them feedback? I would imagine that, like the author of this piece, most people just want the OS to work, rather than constant updates with new features, most of which they probably didn’t want to begin with, and can’t turn off.
Don’t want constant updates, um, does you ‘putr’ automatically recognize ‘each &every’ new/modified ‘bot’/virus/scam/malware/etc-crap coming over the line/air/sat/magical voodoo method for communications and or download?? If you have your system setup to be ‘soooo’ complete it never needs reconfiguring/update/repair, then maybe we should wait breathlessly for your manual on how to configure our ‘toasters’. My system unimaginably requires constant updates/changes/configuration to abide what new challenges arrive on hourly/daily/monthly basis as to what appears to be trying to manipulate ‘whatever’ it is that I do? Are these a challeng for me? Not really, since 99% of those changes/manipulations take place in the background-in the most intrusive notices, Im simply reminded that the changes will take place when I decide to slow down/stop whatever it is that I’m doing. Yeah, sometimes I have to do a reboot, sometimes 3, to get everything back in synch.This doesn’t like that, that won’t work they way it always has, blah-blah!!?? The IDS stops what gets though the firewall(s), the ‘whitelist’ won’t allow stuff to run that I don’t want, the various&sundry apps block malicious ‘stuff’ in browser. Yeah this is HARD??!! Oh, wait a minute, I don’t have to really do anything except wait for it to finish updating!!?? Yep, get a cup of coffee and a danish, call a friend, take a walk, hug the wife etc,etc. Remember paper & Pencils?? Filing Cabinets?? You got it pretty sweet now-Don’t Cha!!
And you need to register as an Insider as well.
1909 has a “few” issues …
The total disregard for user privacy and dignity by Microsoft by not providing any option to completely remove or disable all the telemetry and data sending in Windows, enabled on full by default, is an insult and a disgrace.
This elephant in the room should be called out constantly by every tech publication that still consider themselves journalists.
It’s no surprise we hear nothing from the likes of ZDNet, et al, who these days merely publish tech company media releases and employ well-known Microsoft shill Ed Bott.
Microsoft are the biggest threat to user privacy – not facebook, Instagram, twitter, snapchat – you can choose to not use these social media idiot sites. They don’t come pre-installed on your computer.
Or maybe you can grow up and stop whining incessantly over it. If telemetry bothers you so much, go use Linux or just get a 3rd party firewall application that allows you to block data communications from your PC. It’s very simple but I’m sure your next response will be “I shouldn’t hjave to do this or that” “I’m entitled to having it my way”…sure.
No telemetry = no crash reports.
No crash reports = no patches to fix crashes.
No patches = more complaints.
How telemetry has anything to do with your personal dignity is beyond me. It’s not like they’re getting nude pictures of you or anything, just details on what’s crashing or underperforming in your computer.
Of course, you could just use Linux and not have to “lose your dignity” or be “insulted” by Microsoft.
Jonathan, I think David’s point is to the extend of the telemetry and the lack of options available to the user to fully control that data collection and submission. All telemetry contains personal information irrespective of what some corporation states. Turns out they probably are taking information about your pictures and other private documents and web usage. This is a point raised in numerous other places and here frequently.
I’m not sure why Microsoft needs a cadence of any kind for feature updates. Push them out as needed as optional updates.
I want to point out that when I updated to this version for some reason it forced both my Autodesk products to re-authorize. For my 2011 Autocad LT that was no problem. For my 2005 version Autodesk no longer runs any of the authorization servers. So I am about to lose access to Autocad LT 2005. Laugh all you want but I have been supremely productive using this. And now I won’t be until I learn something else.
Not a big fan of Autodesk. Or Microsoft.
Tip of the hat to the folks at Longbow Software for enabling these older versions to run under W10.
Stockholders have bought into the BS that MS spewed about this being superior to the old way of doing things. As long as constant updates and new features are promised things can only get better, or so many seem to believe.
I think it’s fine as long as you keep things ruining well and out of harms was!
I prefer to use disablement packages. The validity of MS’s security updates is questionable; that updates reset telemetry and cause myriad problems, isn’t.
Per Woody, “There’s absolutely nothing in Win10 1909 that you need to have just yet. Let’s give it a few months and see what problems arise.”
Windows has decided continuing conflicts with Defender Exploit Guard aren’t worth the protection it offers, regardless of how much”security” it provides and 1909 resets it to baseline (off.)
Users can either manually reset Exploit Guard or download a PS script.
MS’s take on it:
Toolkit to reset:
Baselines are different for each Win 10 version, the 1909 file reset my 1903 settings properly.
I’ll continue to update from the catalog.
So here’s the obvious questions…
If 1909 is only sent to those who seek updates, why would those seeking updates turn it off?
And if you turn off telemetry, how is Microsoft going to “see what problems arise”?
And if Microsoft isn’t getting telemetry, how do you expect them to fix those problems?
And if you’re updating piecemeal from the catalog, how do you know you’re getting all the updates you need rather and not leaving holes that may create self-induced stability issues later? This would assume you know better than the engineers that built Windows what your system needs. And that’s a pretty tall order.
Forced updates, hardened IP addresses that run outside of the kernel level, WAY over-the-top telemetry… I’ll NEVER use Windows 10. Ever. Period.
W10’s telemetry is the direct fault of the Windows user base. 90% of which are average users who think of their computer like a coffee maker, an appliance used to do a job, not a complex machine requiring tuning and maintenance like their car.
So you had 15 years of Windows asking, pleading, and trying to send error reports before people cancelled them. And no one wanted to send them. So Microsoft didn’t have the data from which to design fixes. With Windows 7 they started collecting the worst crashes in the background. And that helped tremendously.
Then W8 and W10 made both telemetry and updates mandatory, and look where we are today. USB is no longer “plug and pray”, nearly all devices work as intended, and Window can usually run for MONTHS stably and reliably on a minimally maintained machine. And doing an in-place Windows reinstall no longer requires prayers and rituals to obscure gods in hopes your data doesn’t disappear.
Anyone who remembers Windows 95/98 knows what a huge improvement that is. But instead, we get whining from people who feel their privacy is somehow being invaded by a system that aggregates data in an impersonal fashion rather than recognizing the stability gains of the last 10 years.
After all, Apple’s been collecting the same telemetry from their users on all platforms since OS X was launched, and Apple doesn’t seem to get complaints.
@Jonathan Sherry
“W10’s telemetry is the direct fault of the Windows user base. 90% of which are average users who think of their computer like a coffee maker, an appliance used to do a job, not a complex machine requiring tuning and maintenance like their car.”
This is the worst mindset we, as human users, can have with regards to technology. Blaming humans for not adapting to the technology? Have we lost sight of what technology is for? Who is serving who? Have we spent too much time in that prehistoric PC world where humans had to work for technology to behave correctly that we are now brainwashed to think that it is normal that users have to work and take care of the technology?
Understanding and responding to the level of technology you are dealing with has ALWAYS been an issue. Picking up a burning pile of leaves requires a different level of care than picking up the cooler end of a stick that is burning. For people who have always laced up their pants, pulling up a zipper requires a bit more care to make sure nothing gets in the way and gets jammed in the zipper. These are both changes in technology. Using a wheelbarrow to carry the leaves or underwear to keep things out of the way of the zipper each have a material and intellectual cost, so yes, you have to adapt to and “take care of” the specific technology you use.
Important to note you can turn off telemtry. Just use the built in firewall and block everything except your browser. Should work for even Home editions.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t use Windows 10.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read that at least *some* Windows 10 telemetry bypasses the Windows 10 Firewall entirely and can be blocked only *outside* the computer, e.g., by a router firewall … which is unfortunate if the computer is a laptop and you have to connect to someone else’s network from time to time. Across-the-board transparency and across-the-board user control would be helpful here. And across-the-board trust, too, so you could *believe* the across-the-board transparency. If you ask me, the trust ship sailed with the GWX program in 2015, and I haven’t spotted any signs that it’s headed back to home port.
Anyway, I can’t swear to the Firewall-bypass thing, and I don’t care that much, since I’m switching to Linux. (I’m not a gamer and I’m not locked-in to any Windows-only apps.) But I’m happy to be corrected by someone who is certain you can defeat all Windows 10 telemetry in Windows 10’s own firewall.
I would suggest you get a Chromebook – best OS I’ve ever used (ChromeOS). Android and Linux support built-in! There is nothing a Windows user can do that I can’t do (better) on my Chromebook ;)
“After all, Apple’s been collecting the same telemetry from their users on all platforms since OS X was launched, and Apple doesn’t seem to get complaints.”
So it’s now an argument of “Who sucks the least” now is it? All you surveillance apologists are a sick cult of sycophants who’re likely in the employ of the worst of those guilty of forced invasion of users privacy as a condition of using their software. Which has been shown many times and continually that the software makers do their utmost to lock users into their software silos, effectively giving them little to no choice.
Shame of you.
@Jonathan Sherry :
In my opinion Windows XP x64 and Windows 7 x64 are the two best operatingsystems Microsoft have released. Anything later are pure BS ! Especially XP x64 is damn stable. Problems often are solved with a reboot in XP x64.
“USB is no longer “plug and pray— – i read on Microsoft’s own user forum almost daily how the ’10th’ f-up with USB-devices and even internal harddrives.
Here at home i just bought a 2 terrabyte external drive. Windows XP x64 finds it but Windows 7 x64 doesn’t ! I even asked the store where i bought it how to solve this. Not even their Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 computer could find it. So, newer isn’t best !
I say following: Don’t upgrade to the latest if that You are using works ! (If You are forced to use f.ex the ’10th’ there are no workarounds. Sorry !)
64 bit OSes are in no way more stable than 32 bit OSes. You are simply showing your ignorance on the subject here. WinXP and Win7 were no where near as good as Win10 has been thusfar.
Well! There are 100k+ Microsoft employees around the world running Windows. That should be more than enough to track bugs, but telemetry is not about tracking bugs at all. It’s about collecting usage patterns. And, by the way, telemetry and spyware was already part of Windows XP, and enabled by default. So the whole thing is not new and Microsoft will continue to spy on users and ignore the bugs (and when the bug tracking database goes through the roof, they simply delete and tell customers to file new bug reports).
What’s this about hardened IP addresses that run outside of the kernel level? Where can I read more about that?
Personally I think its all depending of how many errors are coming with the the new update/upgrade, next year. And also as important for me is or they two feature 2020 updates are significant improvements, for the system. Updates who are on the emojis level I even say less.
When this latest 1909 update has proven to be less of a bother than all Windows updates (Especially think 1809) before use to deliver to administrators than I really cant understand, that windows will not go this direction next year.
I could almost sarcastic think “Does Windows want administrators have lots of stress?”
Let face it Windows is failing… I believe they are inept. I have bought a Windows machine for the first time in years.. It is one of the worst they made. Yeah it’s light and quick.. But it 2 steps forward and 4 back. Its still an OS that boxes you in to their way.. Removes more and more flexibility…. And drops you when it starts to fall apart! … What is that Gov contract they just got ????
What do you expect from licensed software? If you want to buy a Windows license, and get all the compatibility, improvements, device support, and other things that come with it, you have to deal with what that license requires from you.
And that is:
collection of crash data so Microsoft can find and fix bugs,
an understanding of how you use your system as one of an aggregate, so they can tailor support,
and hardware reports so they can understand why certain hardware combinations cause crashes and eliminate them.
But to say Windows is losing flexibility is hogwash. You can still run it on everything from a toaster to a masonry lathe and everything in between. You can still modify it immensely, and customize it to your liking.
But hey, if that’s not enough, you’re welcome to go cobble together your own unique custom build of Linux that does everything you want, and nothing you don’t. You just won’t have that sweet, sweet Windows compatibility and simplicity that comes with a license. The choice is yours.
@JohnathanSherry – The license (which lacks consumer protection) should be illegal, and merely exists due to the unchecked power of Big Tech’s ability to stomp on consumer rights – as while MS owns the copyright, the consumer owns the copy they purchased (as well as the hardware), and must have ultimate control over their own property. MS should be made to pay for damaging people’s computers with their faulty and forced updates.
@JonathanSherry – Please, this is the arrogance of an unchecked monopoly. MS reportedly laid off most of their inhouse testers and got rid of their testing lab that tested on actual computers of various configs. Who knows to what extent they outsource programming, as most of the updates are riddled with bugs. Their support is abysmal (try to get any help on their forums, they barely speak English). MS is simply exploiting the Windows user base as their free beta testing lab, pushing out junk that messes up people’s computers, and should be sued and broken up as a company. There is a former MS testing engineer who posts vids on Youtube and he said that the telemetry reports don’t really help them to fix much anyway, is no replacement for good in-house testing.
Not to mention you can basically install Win10 and run Linux instead if you want with WSL2
Lets really think about what we have with regard to updates, but for the purposes of this discussion we’ll pretend that Windows 10 is perfectly good and quite nice to use. OK, so in the past, you would set up your system with 2000, XP, 7, or 8 and have years of stable use out of it. Now OTOH, you can delay feature updates for one year but in any case the support period is 18 months before security updates are over and done with for a given version of 10. Now the possibilities of breakage are greatly increased in frequency because simply calling it Windows 10 year after year means nothing when it’s a moving target. With the proven ineffective development and testing that is now in place, doing important work on Windows requires a great deal of luck.
It’s such a shame that our species has so much in common with sheep that seemingly no really bad idea can ever be resisted by everyone in a given field, thus new software can’t be counted on to be superior in every way to what it replaces and very often it’s the same with hardware. I recommended Apple for a while but that’s just another kind of pain with a higher cost of entry.
The old system of infrequent service packs with a few feature improvements was good, so I imagine that alone rules it out as an option!
While the risk of breakage is higher, the difference is now you have things TO BREAK rather than things coming to you broken and never being fixed.
If you remember Win95-XP, there were a lot of problems that were never fixed, just patched over. Features were planned and never completed, and many new features came out broken and had to be binned.
Plus people were HORRIBLE about sending crash reports Microsoft needed to be able to find and fix problems. And yet, everyone blames Microsoft for things never getting fixed. But how can they fix things they’re not told about in crash reports?
Now Windows is far more stable, and generally works well out of the box. So if they’re breaking things, that just shows that more things work than not. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know the breakage from the things that just never worked right to begin with. :)
I think those arguments are weak enough that no refutation is necessary. Thank you for that. In your defense I will say that the current state of Windows is pretty much indefensible, but I can only speculate about anyone’s reasons for jumping into the fray on that side. ;-)
What’s broken in the current build of windows 10 for you? I work in IT and we have rolled out 1903 to all 2000 users. We have had no issues other than your day to day minor things…and our Win10 image is heavy and loaded with a lot of software, security applications, etc etc.
Makes sense they’d undermine the most sensible thing in years, regarding Windows 10 updates. Here’s to the next “Feature” breakage: more useless features, less stability.