Here is How to Permanently Disable Windows Defender

Not everything in life is as simple as it seems. The same applies to disabling Windows Defender permanently. It requires modification of Windows 11 integral settings, which can become a challenge where one wrong move could lead to the malfunctioning of your PC.
We will share methods to guide you on how to turn off Windows Defender on Windows 11 for good.
How to Permanently Disable Windows Defender
Before you start, ensure that the Real-time protection of Windows Defender is turned off to avoid hindering the process.
Change Folder Ownership
Boot Computer in Safe Mode
- Press WINDOWS + R to get the RUN console.
- Type msconfig to open System Configuration.
- Go to Boot, and put a checkmark to select Safe boot and Minimal.
- Click Apply and OK.
- Your computer will restart in Safe mode.
Modify Permissions
2. Now copy and paste the below-mentioned path and hit Enter.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender |
3. Navigate to the Platform folder and right-click on it to select Properties.
4. Go to the Security tab, then click Advanced.
5. On Advanced Security Settings for Platform, locate Owner and click Change.
6. In the Enter the object name to select box, type the Owner name and click OK.
7. Under Permission Entries, select System and click Remove.
8. Head to Trusted Installer and click Remove.
9. Checkmark Replace owner on sub containers and objects.
10. Place a checkmark on Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permissions from this object.
11. Click Apply and then OK.
Disable Safe Boot
- Press WINDOWS + R to open the RUN window.
- Type msconfig and hit Enter.
- Go to boot and select Boot options.
- Uncheck the Safe boot option.
- Click Apply and OK.
- Restart your computer.
How a ridiculous article!
I am thoroughly stunned.
Why Should You Disable First-Party Windows Defender?
I can only think that it is “malice or perversely intention (want you to buy a third-party AV where you can expect a back margin)” to guide invalidation without showing the premise.
No sane company will use third-party closed source programs (such as AV).
As I thought, “Ghacks Technology News” seems to be coming to downfall.
Why would I want to disable Windows Defender in the first place? It’s a great anti virus in my opinion. Been using it since Windows 8 and and never had a problem or a virus. Why mess with a good thing, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Why would one disable Windows (or Microsoft) Defender in the first place?. I consider this to be playing with fire big time. Everybody knows that if one is using another A-V, Defender will be disabled on its own and won’t be in one’s way.
Win Defender, is completly the most succesful free-built in antivirus of Microsoft. Really nice product. Saved my ass a lot of times. Has updated malware database, completly strong defence
from whatever smart screen disables. Or if you want better and more upgrated (paid) program,
you can go further. But defender is always on your side.
Just use “Defender Control”:
Per this video,
it also works on Windows 11 too…
Download Autoruns and remove the checkmark from Windows Defender. It doesn’t remove it, but it will never run.
Remove Windows and go for Linux.
Linux sucks dude. Besides it’s not comparable to Windows, these OSes are in different classes entirely.
You’re right, dude. Bro, linux is just a bunch of code that starts before the OS, dude. Brobrodude, that shit ain’t even got emojis, dudebrodudeman! Dudebro, it’s no way near as cool as Windows with its hardcoded abilities to make money off the user, bro. Yo brodude man, you’re the coolest dude ever man, bro. Dude.
Lol what? Windows 7 doesn’t come with any Emojis
I use Linux as my daily driver. It’s far more stable than Windows. When’s the last time you used Linux, 2010?
You can not stop defender from running in background or remove it without some penalty. All you can do is to limit telemetry.
It’s probably Smartscreen which is preventing WD from being disabled. Get rid of that and the problem should be solved:
I wouldn’t disable Defender imho, it has too many hidden roots inside Windows itself. One time I tried to uninstall it using brute force scripts and then the Onedrive feature stopped working definitely. A reinstallation was needed and since those times I prefer to maintain Defender untouched. It’s a better method to install another antivirus and it will disable Defender in a safer and easier mode (e.g., Avast is the best in this way, and also Panda Cloud Free is good too).
U are just * [Editor: removed] thats the problem ;p first of all u shall always debloat windows u shall have max 65 services with your drivers for pc and windows own servs. You didnt know what that script did
simpler, load Autoruns (SysInternals)
– filter “Defender”
– untag all entries
– reboot
nothing has changed since my 1st modification years ago
For permanent disable defender is if removed complete from system no just change permission folder.
Just this is joke.
no ‘about the author’ paragraph?
Yeah right.. Like this is going to stop defender from running =) This is comedy gold right here.
Does it come back after every “moment” update?