Spotify now lists Niche Mixes where you can Select a Personalized Playlist

You’re about to see some weird names for Spotify’s Niche Mixes; be prepared.
Imagine asking ChatGPT to make a playlist for a specific activity, and you’ll understand how Spotify’s new Niche Mixes feature works. When you search for music related to an activity, it will generate a playlist for you with music that suits the task. Well, kind of. Much like Baidu’s Ernit Bot release, there are some situations where it doesn’t work as expected.
You can be as creative as you want for it. On YouTube Music, I have playlists for working, guitar and violin covers, working out at home, and writing my novels. According to Spotify, the Niche Mixes feature can make these playlists for you.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Head to Made for You
- Click or tap on the Search tab
- Insert an activity, ending with the word “mix”
- Enjoy your playlist
So, if you want to work out, you can type “intense gym workout mix”. The same applies to if you want to sing in the shower, inserting something fun like “shower singing mix.” Just be warned: Spotify’s new Niche Mixes tool won’t understand everything as yet. You might not get the songs you thought you would, or perhaps there may be a few odd ones in the mix.
In this way, you’ll actually discover some songs you may not have heard of. I just hope it’s better than YouTube Music’s compilations. When I insert “focus music” or “work concentration”, all I ever get is classical music, which only works for me when I’m in the mood for Beethoven. For the most part, rock music by Evanescence, Disturbed, and the like do a better job of motivating me and focusing on my writing.
Anyway, try out the new Spotify features. Let me know if it actually works for you.
Today, I started an re-fresh of my fav old-school punk playlist, on my pc. I dont know what Spotify means. I use the gold wmp and foobar2K and VLC for streaming. I love all the music genres, but I stuck on rock/hardcore/industrial. If Spotify gets more humanish about suggestions, I would give it a try ;)