Microsoft releases Windows 10 patches KB3081452, KB3081448 and KB3081449

Microsoft has just pushed out up to three new patches for the retail version of its Windows 10 operating system.
Windows 10 users who have not modified Windows Update settings may notice them when they run a manual check for updates.
The patches in question are the following ones:
- Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081448)
- Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081449)
- KB3081452 (this one did not land on test systems I run)
It is likely however that these patches get installed on most systems automatically. What makes this problematic is that Microsoft has yet to publish the corresponding Knowledge Base support pages on the official website.
No information except for basic patch titles such as "cumulative update for Windows 10" or "update for windows 10" are provided when you check for updates.
Update: The support pages are available now but they don't reveal (many) additional information about the updates Microsoft released yesterday.
- KB3081448 Cumulative Update for Windows 10: August 27, 2015 - This update includes improvements to enhance the functionality of Windows 10.
- KB3081449 OOBE Update for Windows 10: August 27, 2015 - This update improves the Windows 10 out-of-box experience (OOBE). This update applies only to the Windows 10 OOBE process and will be available only at the time that OOBE updates are installed.
- KB3081452 August 27, 2015, compatibility update for upgrading to Windows 10 - This update makes improvements to ease the upgrade experience to Windows 10.
Why is that an issue?
While the majority of users may not care about patch notes or what patches actually do or change on the system, some users prefer to know what gets installed on their computer systems.
These users have good reason for that too considering that past Windows updates did wreak havoc on some systems.
Apart from bugs that may cause issues on Windows 10 systems, it is privacy and security that plays an important role.
Some users may not want updates to install new telemetry features on the system for instance, or change privacy settings or add new ones.
It is impossible to qualify updates that are released if information about them are not released at all or not in time.
Microsoft released a tool recently that Windows 10 users and administrators can use to block updates that they have installed already. It is difficult to block updates from being installed in first place though as Microsoft modified the automatic update behavior of the Windows 10 operating system.
Windows 10 Home systems are affected by this especially as they cannot defer the installation of updates. This privilege is reserved to Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise systems.
Probably the best course of action right now is to wait until the patch notes are released by Microsoft. While this may reveal information about those patches, there is no guarantee anymore that this is the case as Microsoft made it clear recently that it may not release full patch notes for select Windows Updates anymore.
We will update the article when official information about these three patches are released by Microsoft.
In related news, Microsoft published a new Windows Insider build today. Build 10532 for PC improves the consistency of context menus, and better sharing options for feedback.
Have an Asus B551LA on which the W10 Iris driver provided will screw up the possibility to connect an external display. Fixed by reinstalling the W8.1 driver with no functionality for DX12 as a result. Intel has now put a function in the install package to prevent install on systems which it is not compatible with but Microsofts variant does not have this feature and it is sent out together with other updates for automatic install. Further there is no function in W10 to install selected packages only as far as I can see. Crazy!
Well the patches did not fix the problem where you cannot do anything with migrated files. No edit, moving, delete or anything else. MS puts out various fixes tat do nothing & refuse to fix the problem. Still does not migrate mail folders from mail stored on the PC as they expect the mail sync to do the impossible. Sure wish I could remove W10 as it is on my wife’s laptop. It was Windoz but is now Windoesnot
I can’t connect mobile hotspot on windows 10. Is there any update coming to fix that error?
Try using software “160wifi”
Just crossing my fingers it doesnt cause bsod/bootloops with my Win10 Home Tablet like what happent a couple of weeks before which I luckily was able to fix via restore point.
Did “Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081452)” got BSOD. Fixed it. Booted back into windows… Says the update failed. Fucking pissed me off.
How are we going to know what patches cause problems with what software if it’s not documented.
Looks like they actually updated the pages now!
3081448 Has changed:
Line 16: Bthport.sys 10.0.10240.16463 929,280 20-Aug-2015 05:09 x64 None Not applicable
Line 49: Sysmain.sdb Not applicable 460,656 20-Aug-2015 03:47 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 50: Msimain.sdb Not applicable 2,905,866 20-Aug-2015 03:47 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 56: Drvmain.sdb Not applicable 140,918 20-Aug-2015 03:47 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 57: Acmigration.dll 10.0.10240.16463 77,400 20-Aug-2015 05:57 x64 None Not applicable
Line 58: Appraiser.sdb Not applicable 6,524,688 20-Aug-2015 03:47 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 60: Enterprisemodernappmgmtcsp.dll 10.0.10240.16463 193,024 20-Aug-2015 05:21 x64 None Not applicable
Line 449: Ci.dll 10.0.10240.16463 609,592 20-Aug-2015 06:06 x64 None Not applicable
Line 591: Acmigration.dll 10.0.10240.16463 77,408 20-Aug-2015 05:57 x64 None Not applicable
Line 592: Appraiser.sdb Not applicable 6,524,688 20-Aug-2015 03:47 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 776: Edgehtml.dll 11.0.10240.16463 21,875,200 20-Aug-2015 05:21 x64 None Not applicable
Line 882: Addressband.xbf Not applicable 3,932 20-Aug-2015 04:33 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 902: Emodel.dll 11.0.10240.16463 5,532,672 20-Aug-2015 05:03 x64 None Not applicable
Line 907: Eview.dll 11.0.10240.16463 3,659,264 20-Aug-2015 05:14 x64 None Not applicable
Line 911: F12appframe2.dll 11.0.10240.16463 472,576 20-Aug-2015 04:59 x64 None Not applicable
Line 939: Microsoftedge.exe 11.0.10240.16463 6,258,528 20-Aug-2015 06:02 x64 None Not applicable
Line 1184: Ntoskrnl.exe 10.0.10240.16463 8,019,296 20-Aug-2015 06:07 x64 None Not applicable
Line 1439: Shell32.dll 10.0.10240.16463 22,324,656 20-Aug-2015 06:02 x64 None Not applicable
Line 1764: Installagent.exe 10.0.10240.16463 168,960 20-Aug-2015 05:26 x64 None Not applicable
Line 1798: Wuaueng.dll 10.0.10240.16463 2,235,904 20-Aug-2015 05:13 x64 None Not applicable
Line 1964: Sysmain.sdb Not applicable 3,749,196 20-Aug-2015 03:30 Not applicable None Not applicable
Line 2005: Edgehtml.dll 11.0.10240.16463 18,806,272 20-Aug-2015 04:31 x86 None Not applicable
Line 2105: Shell32.dll 10.0.10240.16463 20,857,848 20-Aug-2015 05:16 x86 None Not applicable
Well time for me to install a file and registry monitoring tool to keep an eye on changes, a shame Sandboxie doesn’t work well with windows 10 else wise I would of done what I normally do install the updates in a closed environment to get the actual file changes.
Shawn: Sandboxie 5.01.8 through 5.01.11 betas work well with all the WIndows 10 systems I’ve installed it on. Do a search and give them a try.
Hummmm….. A Mac is looking better and better every day….
I noticed this just now and told my friend. Glad its being reported on.
I’m not playing Minecraft here Microsoft, tell me what in the patch geez.
Does it freeze on you sometimes too?
Would you happen to have a hybrid hard drive? The kind that has a fast SSD partition and a slow HDD partition?
Dose it freeze when you play vidz? coz that what mines doing
Mine doesn’t freeze but lately my Windows 10 has been really sluggish. I barely have anything installed on this thing. Was fine a week ago, and now Firefox is sluggish, my games are running at single digit FPS. Even after a complete and total factory reset, it’s still going back to being slow. I just want this stupid thing to work. Hopefully this update smooths things out a little.
Not giving out patch info is an outrage. Change course MS.