How to use Google Docs dark mode on PC?

Eray Eliaçik
Mar 10, 2023
Internet, Tutorials

Many people wonder how to make Google Docs dark mode. Everyone is aware of Google Docs's many benefits when it comes to document creation and teamwork. However, lacking an in-built dark mode is one of the most common complaints about Google Docs. But don't worry, there are a number of ways to activate dark mode for Google Docs, such as:

  • Forcing dark mode on every website
  • Using dark mode extensions

Google Docs dark mode process explained

There is a default dark mode in most browsers. If the website you're visiting supports dark mode, the site will switch to it automatically. The majority of websites, however, including Google Documents, do not have a dark mode that is automatically enabled. But you can fix it!

Forcing dark mode

It won't be as aesthetically pleasing as waiting for websites to adopt their own sleek dark themes. But, it can turn Google Documents and the rest of the web black. Here is how to do it:

Google Chrome

Follow these steps to force it and use Google Docs dark mode on Chrome:

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Simply enter chrome:/flags into the address bar.
  • Find dark mode.
  • Open the drop-down menu for "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents"
You can use the CTRL+F shortcut to find it easily
  • Choose "Enabled"
  • Restart your browser.


To utilize the dark mode in Opera with Google Documents, proceed as follows:

  • Start Opera.
  • Enter opera:/flags into the address bar.
  • Follow the same process as Chrome.

Microsoft Edge

Here's how you can force Edge to dark mode:

  • Launch Opera.
  • Enter opera:/flags into the address bar.
  • Follow the same process as Opera.

For other browsers: As you can see, the only process that changed what you write the address bar before ":/flags." Write your browser name at the beginning and follow the same steps to use Google Docs dark mode.

Dark mode extensions

You can also use dark mode extensions to dark mode for Google Docs. Here’s Shaun's list of the best dark mode options out there:

Check out the best dark mode extensions and discover their cons and pros. You can use them for dark mode on Google Docs.

Benefits of dark mode for Google Docs

Due to the fact that it is more pleasing to sight, dark mode's popularity has risen in recent years. Many people use the dark mode to focus better and for longer periods without experiencing any eye strain. Here are a few reasons why you might want to switch to dark mode for Google Docs:

  • Better sleep
  • Longer battery life
  • Low screen glare
  • Better look



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  1. DreamerZ said on December 24, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    “Here’s how you can force Edge to dark mode:

    Launch Opera.”


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