ChatGPT takes a step to ease privacy concerns

Emre Çitak
Apr 26, 2023

ChatGPT has introduced a new privacy feature that allows users to keep their conversations private from prying AIs. This is a major development, as users can now protect their information by turning off their chat history and disabling the bot's ability to use their data to train and improve other AI models.

The new feature is easily accessible through ChatGPT's settings, where users can reverse the toggle labeled 'enable chat history'. Once turned off, the bot will retain new conversations for only 30 days before permanently deleting them.

ChatGPT privacy toggle can be accessed via the Settings menu

This move is expected to provide users with greater control over their data and give them the peace of mind they need to use ChatGPT without the fear of privacy violations.

Privacy concerns haunt AI chatbots

While some may attribute this new feature to ChatGPT's recent ban in Italy due to possible privacy violations, the company denies that the ban was a catalyst for the feature. In fact, the chief technology officer of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, revealed that the decision was a months-long effort to give users more control of their data.

The new privacy changes are an important milestone, especially for those who use ChatGPT for creative projects or as a portable therapist. The ability to use ChatGPT without the fear that one's own work will be assimilated into the AI's learning processes and used by others is a welcome relief.

It is hoped that other chatbots will follow suit, although this could present potential issues further down the line, as deep-learning programs like ChatGPT require human input to generate their own work.


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  1. Anonymous said on May 2, 2023 at 12:50 am

    Why didn’t that exist before and why does it still insist to keep discussions for a month ?

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