The New Twitter Cannabis Ads Policy: What You Need To Know?
In a recent ad update policy, Twitter has changed their policy for cannabis-related products and services. This also includes CBD products which are made using hemp. These are, however, subject to state law and legalities. The new policy will require Twitter to make it easier for users to find out about marijuana-related businesses. It will also allow them to post content about marijuana businesses that are not illegal under federal law but may be illegal under state or local law.
The legalization of cannabis has created quite a stir between those who believe and those who don’t. While multiple states have legalized the use for medicinal and recreational purposes, it’s always a hot topic of discussion.
Most social media platforms have refrained from advertising cannabis or any CDB-related medication. However, Twitter changed the rules.
What the Twitter Cannabis Ad Policy is All About?
Twitter has reformed their policy about advertising related to cannabis. While they did not approve of these ads earlier, the refined policy enables certain advertising for cannabis and cannabis-related products. The new policy can be viewed on the Twitter policy page, but here’s a gist of what the new policy states.
According to the policy, a person can advertise cannabis or cannabis-related products as long as the advertisement is not shown to minors. It should also not display any false or misleading information about the products.
Why Twitter Changed Its Advertising Policy?
While there’s no concrete reason as to why Twitter changed their policy, it’s believed the change is made due to the increasing acceptance and legalization of the drug. Multiple states have legalized the drug for both recreational and medical purposes. This is why it’s believed that Twitter believes it can capitalize on the growing market. This is true since there are so many restrictions with other platforms still in place.
The update is also proof that while it took a while for people to accept the legalization of the drug, people are changing the way they look at it. They are opening up to the idea of it being used as a viable alternative, especially in cases where traditional medicine has no effect. Twitter is one of the first companies to recognize cannabis. It sees it not as a subject of taboo, but rather as something that’s helping people lead fuller, happier lives.
How Does This Impact the Market for Cannabis in the Future With Regard To Advertising?
The step taken by Twitter will have a significant impact on the industry. One can expect that more companies will open up to the idea of advertising for cannabis with the right restrictions in place.
One must remember that even though Twitter has allowed companies to advertise cannabis and cannabis-related products, it’s highly regulated. There are various stringent guidelines which need to be followed. The most important of these guidelines is that the drug must in no way target minors or provide any misleading information related to the drug.
As more and more states legalize cannabis, various platforms might also follow in Twitter’s footsteps. As long as they keep strict guidelines in place, these advertisements will prove to benefit all involved. Twitter will also update its policies as and when more states legalize the use of cannabis.
This sound more stupid than expected. Unless it’s probably true that it’s necessary to be high mostly all say long just to use Twitter, the biggest hate factory in the world.
That’s great. Now I can buy weed from anybody who pays for blue checkmark. Where is danger in that?
It’s good to note cancelling my twitter account several months ago has had such a profound effect on the desirability of their product.