Service marketplace Fiverr launches its Android application

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 13, 2014
Updated • Mar 15, 2014
Apps, Google Android

The makers of Fiverr call it the world's largest marketplace, and while I cannot verify that claim, you will find loads of people on the site that offer their services for $5.

What makes Fiverr interesting in my opinion is that it is not limited to the usual Internet related services. You do get those as well on the site, for instance SEO, press releases, writing articles and the like, but besides all that, you get novelty services.

Want someone to impersonate a celebrity such as Robert De Niro or Will Ferrell, make a prank call, or release three balloons with your message, then Fiver is the place for that as well.

While all gigs start at $5, some freelancers on Fiverr may request additional funds for extra services. Basic examples are options to rush orders so that they are processed before all regular orders by a Fiver seller.

The company has released the official Android application to Google Play, and as one would expect, it brings the full experience to mobile devices running the Android operating system.

You can browse the app without an account and use most of the functionality that it makes available including browsing all service offers and using the application's search feature.

Accounts can be registered directly from within the app, either via email or by connecting a Facebook or Google account. Existing Fiver users can sign in using the same methods.

Once you have signed in, you get access to your messages and notifications, order history, updates to running orders, collections as well as sales.

While buyers can use the Fiverr app as well, it is probably the sellers who will use it more. The reason here is that they can use the mobile app to improve their respond times and monitor sales and orders of gigs that they are offering on Fiver.

The settings the app makes available provide you with several customization options. Here you can configure push and email notifications for order messages, statuses, or inbox messages, enable one-click payments, or add a name and description to your Fiver account.

As far as browsing services goes, you can either dive into one of the category such as graphics & design or business, or use the search to find gigs of interest.



The app is really easy to use and well designed. Sellers will miss a couple of features though, such as revenue information or analytics access. Buyers on the other hand won't have many complaints. Maybe the one thing that could be added is an option to display related services on service pages, as this is not done currently.

All in all, if you are a Fiverr user, you will probably start using the app if you own an Android device.

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Fiverr for Android
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  1. Nathan G said on March 13, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    I am a regular customer at fiverr and its really interesting to see their app, just installed it.

  2. said on March 13, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    hmmmm…. fiverr has double “r”

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on March 13, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      Right, corrected.

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