How To Set Up and Use the Microsoft Family Safety App?

Microsoft's Family Safety app has various features, such as parental control and reporting tools. The app also allows parents to monitor their loved one's digital activity with tools like locating reports, usage records, and filter controls.
This article will discuss how you can set up a Family Safety app. Before you begin, you will need a Microsoft account and an Android or iOS device. You can also use a computer (Windows or Mac) to view your family's dashboard.
What Does the Family Safety App Do?
The family safety app helps parents monitor their children and other loved ones. It helps them monitor their digital devices and keeps them safe.
With the family safety app, you can check the screen time for each family member. If a family member uses an Xbox or Windows device, you can monitor their screen time. You can also block certain games or block someone's access if they've exceeded their screen time. However, all this cannot be done on Apple devices.
The app can filter out certain websites or apps so no one can access them. This helps in households where there are many younger children.
To keep an eye on your family's safety, you can also track their location. This is done using the GPS on their Android or iOS device. The only big downside to this app is it works only with Microsoft or Windows products. For example, if you're looking to filter websites, you will need to download Microsoft Edge on your computer or phone.
How To Set up the Family Safety App?
Before downloading the family safety app, you will need to download it on your device. The first family member is designated as the "Family Organizer." The organizer can add new members and change settings for all other members.
You will also need to provide permission for the app to operate in the background. You also need to allow for live location monitoring. If you're not comfortable doing this, you need to press skip.
Once you're signed in, you must accept or refuse permissions. Under the main menu, you will see your family members and their current locations. You can toggle between a list view or a map view for your family members.
You must then create your family group and start adding new members. You can do so using their email IDs or phone numbers. All the members you invite should also have a Microsoft account. If they don't, they will need to create a new account.
All invited members only have 14 days to accept the invitation. Once they accept, they will show up in the family members list. You can then begin seeing the screen time for all family members.
Once all members have been added, you can set limits so they cannot access any apps or inappropriate content. This can be done for each member by clicking the gear icon under their name.
Perfect App To Safeguard Your Family Members
This is the ideal app that can help you track and safeguard your family members. This is one app that does not intrude in anyone's life while helping you keep track of their activity.
Please tell me how to block Shaun posts.
Easy. To hide Shaun’s posts, add this to your uBlock Origin filters:‘Shaun’)
Et voila! No more advertorials.
For my last comment, it looks like the auto-URL option is enabled in the comments. For my filter, you’ll have to strip the “http://” from the beginning and replace the curly quote with a single quote.
Use this, go to Dashboard of uBlock -> Custom Filter and add:
Note: Please remove https:// if Ghacks auto adds it. I better not to make this a link to avoid Ghacks from moderating my post.
Works on both PC and Mobile, perfect filter.
I tried to be patience, but I ran out of patience a little while ago so I made this for myself.
@boris, on your way to bashing? Bashing is nonsense. especially when publicly stated. If one disagrees with an article’s content then let it be said, with arguments. Should we consider an article’s author as systematically inclined to promote rather than to describe, then let it be said. If we lack the words, the arguments but feel deeply anchored in bad feelings then there is the ultimate solution : avoid the author’s articles :=) In analogy with press, medias : I know some papers I like even though I skip either of its editorialists. No point in getting mad! Cool man : an article is easier to skip than advertisements!
These embarrassing articles are of course easy to avoid. I think what concerns people is what they signify with regard to the future course of a site that many of us find to be both useful and interesting.
@Herman, both useful and interesting, indeed. @boris wan’t actually bashing. You see I’m sort of highly reactive when I perceive any potential form of bashing to come, in the air. I’ve witnessed physical bashing in my early years, stoning in fact (somewhere in the Mid-East). The very scenario of a lonely person in the streets, late at night, being attacked by a group leaves me somewhere between tears and extreme anger, not tears of fear but those of disarray, confusion, consternation of what mankind is able to do (as Nietzsche when he witnessed a beaten dog), in the same way any people’s revolution make me fear the dramatic absurdities of our very french revolution of 1789 that I happened to study many years ago.
Now, i know we’re dealing with words but, still, I read what some users endure on social networks and it just makes me sick. I’m not mistaking mass attacks with healthy and welcomed criticism and even not with a one-to-one injurious session. What I only fear is the reaction-in-chain where you get to read one’s participation to the latest bashing when some may not even why they’re repeating what they’ve heard : mass psychology.
Again : long live criticism when argued, contradictory debates. But no stoning, even with words.
Regarding Ghacks, now and tomorrow. We all know that the big boss, “you know, le proprétaire” as Marylin Monroe sings it, is no longer Martin. My guess is that the company may impose decisions possibly bypassing our admin’s preferences. As long as the best remains available I won’t focus on what may be — may be — an extra touch of a type of journalism we haven’t been used to here. C’est la vie.
Ahhh, forget it. Lyricism at its best perhaps.
I am not mad. As I mentioned in previous reviews, Shaun articles are Advertorials (term apply to articles in Newspapers and Magazines) or like internet advertising industry like to call it “Native Content”. I do not see any value in ads or similar form of online advertisement. I can honestly say that I never intentionally clicked on Internet ad.
“an article is easier to skip than advertisements”
Maybe, but it is still annoying. With people starting to avoid Shaun articles, other authors will start doing the same shtick.