How to send GIFs on iPhone: Two different ways

GIFs are animated images that can express your emotions, reactions, or opinions in a fun and creative way. They are widely used on social media platforms, messaging apps, and websites. But how do you send them on your iPhone? In this guide, we will be talking about how to send GIFs on iPhone, giving you two different ways to do it!
On the iPhone, there are two ways to send GIFs: through third-party apps or the built-in keyboard. Direct GIF search in iMessage is supported by the iOS default keyboard. This function is available on all iPhones running iOS 10 and later.
How to send GIFs on iPhone: Explained
The simplest definition of GIFs is that they are animated pictures. GIF is an abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. A series of static images are played back quickly, one after another, to create animated images in this file format. This gives the appearance of motion and can be used to make quick animations or loops that repeat.
GIFs are more than just amusing images, though. They can also be used to make a point, tell a story, or transmit information. A GIF can be utilized, for instance, to:
- Express your joy, enthusiasm, or thanks - Express your regrets, empathy, or consolation to someone
- Agree, disagree or debate with someone.
- Joke, tease, or flirt with a person.
Besides, there are many more that can be added to this list. Back to our main question of how to send GIFs on iPhone. Below you will find two different ways to do so. Here are the ways:
Related: What's GIF: Explanation and how to use it
Luckily, Apple added GIFs for iOS users and they can easily find many different GIFs ready in the library. Here is what you have to do to access them:
- Open Messages, select Compose, then type in a contact's name or select an existing conversation.
- Hit the "red search icon."
- To find a certain GIF, select Find pictures and then type a term.
- To include the GIF in your message, tap it.
- To transmit, tap the "blue send icon."
Perhaps the GIF you're looking for isn't available in the iOS default gallery. Fortunately, you can look outside of the iOS app and select any GIF you want from the internet. For instance, the largest GIF database in the world, GIPHY, allows you to transmit a GIF.
- Tap the App Store icon.
- Search for "GIPHY" and install the application.
- Open the app.
- Tap on the Search bar and type in a keyword or phrase to find the GIF you want to send.
- Once you've found the GIF you want, tap on the paper airplane icon to send it to your friends.
- Tap the Send button to send the GIF to your recipient.
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yeah sure… they are always the victims and it is only against them ????
Believe them 100% and never question anything. This lawsuit sounds like the type you heard when people were eating batteries.
What does this article about Musk/Tesla have to do with computing, devices, phones?
More irelevant filler.
No, they didn’t lmao.
“Operating systems will be required to let the user choose the browser, virtual assistant and search engine of their choice. Microsoft cannot force users to use Bing or Edge. Apple will have to open up its iOS operating system to allow third-party app stores, aka allow sideloading of apps. Google, on the other hand, will need to provide users with the ability to uninstall preloaded apps (bloatware) from Android devices. Online services will need to allow users to unsubscribe from their platform easily. Gatekeepers need to provide interoperability with third-parties that offer similar services.”
Wonderful ! Let’s hope they’ll comply with that law more than they are doing with the GDPR.
We all live in digital surveillance glass houses under scrutiny of evil people because of people like Musk. It’s only fair that he takes his turn.
@The Dark Lady,
@Database failure,
@Howard Pearce,
@Howard Allan Pearce,
Note: I replaced the quoted URI scheme: https:// with “>>” and posted.
The current is owned by “Softonic International S.A.” (sold by Martin in October 2019), and due to the fate of M&A, has changed in quality.
Many Authors of bloggers and advertisers certified by Softonic have joined the site, and the site is full of articles aimed at advertising and clickbait.
As it stands, except for articles by Martin Brinkmann, Mike Turcotte, and Ashwin, they are low quality, unhelpful, and even vicious. It is better not to read those articles.
How to display only articles by a specific author:
Added line to My filters in uBlock Origin:,.home-posts,.home-category-post:not(:has-text(/Martin Brinkmann|Mike Turcotte|Ashwin/))
By the way, if you use an RSS reader, you can track exactly where your comments are (I’m an iPad user, so I use “Feedly Classic”, but for Windows I prefer the desktop app “RSS Guard”).
RSS Guard: Feed reader which supports RSS/ATOM/JSON and many web-based feed services.
GateKeeper ?
That’s called “appointing” businesses to do the state’s dirty work!!!!!
But the article says itself that those appointed were not happy – implying they had not choice!!!!!!
Rreedom of Association is one of our most important rights. Some people think it’s Freedom, but no, I say Rreedom is far more important. There are many STATE-MANDATED associations that save jobs, that’s right MANDATED. I can’t name any of them, but rest assured they are bad, because saving jobs are bad, and people having jobs leads to dictatorship!!! Anyone who disagrees is too radical for Ghacks maybe, because I’m not sure.
Don’t tell me!
Ghacks wants the state to step in for STATE-MANDATED associations to save jobs!!!
Bring in the dictatorship!!!
And screw Rreedom of Association – too radical for Ghacks maybe
Martin, [#comment-4569908] is only meant to be in: []. Whereas it appears duplicated in several recent random low-quality non relevant articles.
Obviously it [#comment-4569908] was posted: 9 July 2023. Long before this thread even existed… your database is falling over. Those comments are supposed to have unique ID values. It shouldn’t be possible to duplicate the post ID, if the database had referential integrity.
AI is stupid, and it will not get any better if we really know how this all works. Prove me wrong..
Martin, I would appreciate that you do not censor this post, as it’s informative writing.
Onur, there is a misleading statement “[…] GIFs are animated images …”. No, obviously you don’t seem to have take much notice of what you were told back in March regarding; Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
For example, (if you had read my replies within that thread, you might have learnt something useful). I even mentioned, “GIF intrinsically supports animated images (GIF89a)”.
You linked to said article, [Related: …] within this article, but have somehow failed to take onboard what support you were given by several more knowledgeable people.
If you used AI to help write this article, it has failed miserably.
EMRE ÇITAK posts are useless because they are fraught with inaccuracies and are irrelevant.