Artpip: daily new fine art wallpaper app for Windows (and Mac)

Artpip is a free program for Windows and Mac devices that changes the desktop wallpaper of the operating system once per day to a fine art painting.
The free version of the application is pretty straightforward in terms of use. Once you have downloaded and installed the application on your Windows machine -- I did not test the Mac version -- it will download a new fine art wallpaper each day and make it the desktop background on the device.
The program sets itself up to start with Windows by default, but you can disable that in the options if you prefer to run it manually or only occasionally.
The program interface has only a couple of options. It displays the active fine art wallpaper in the interface including information about its painter, its title, and the year it was created.
You may favorite artworks, and order reproduction prints of these artworks with a click on the shopping cart symbol. This opens a page on the artpip website that highlights the different print options, e.g. framed poster or canvas, price and shipping costs.
You get some controls over the selection process when you click on the collections link in the program interface. The default option is set to featured. This is automated, and will download and display the featured image of the day automatically, and make it the desktop background.
You can switch to custom to select or deselect fine art periods that you are interested in. Some of the controls on the page are only available when you purchase an Artpip Pro license. This is true for changing the interval in which wallpapers are changed, and enabling photography wallpapers.
Fine Art on the other hand can be controlled. If you are only interested in post 1890 paintings for instance, you can disable the four other time periods (Pre 1700, 1700-1800, 1800-1850 and 1850 to 1890).
The second option to customize the display of fine art on the desktop is limited to Pro users as well. You can select to only display favorites.
Artpip Pro is available for $9.99.
If you like fine art, or photography, then you may like Artpip as it pushes a new masterpiece to the desktop each day or even in faster intervals if you purchase the pro version.
The discovery process is probably the most exciting thing about Artpip, as you could simply download fine art wallpapers and photography wallpapers manually to apply them from various sources on the Internet.
The program is a bit on the heavy site when it runs. One issue here is that it is set up to run all the time, instead of just once per day (or more often if you have set a different interval).
Now You: Fine art, or something else? Which types of wallpapers do you prefer?
I use the default desktop wallpaper.
There is no icon on my desktop wallpaper.
I do not see my desktop wallpaper after I boot up my computer.
Program execution is good for Windows
It is better to use Auto Hotkey.
I’m using the default desktop.
After booting the computer, there is almost nothing to see on the desktop.