Evernote for Chrome gets Gmail integration

Alan Buckingham
Jun 20, 2013
Email, Gmail

Evernote is one of my favorite daily apps, I should begin with that disclaimer. It works everywhere -- mobile and web browsers. With a simple click of Web Clipper browser extension, you can save pretty much anything that you see online into your Evernote account for permanent safekeeping. Now the service improves its offer just a bit more, with updates  that add features for Gmail.

Gmail is a bit more than simple email. The service offers the ability to snag all, or portions, of web sites on the fly, and save them for later use via the company's cloud service, where it will be synced to wherever you sign in -- computer or mobile.

What's New?

Email accounts can be much more than just a history of messages. They contain photos, research, files, purchase receipts, travel itineraries, and just about everything else that can be attached. The trouble with email is that with thousands of emails in an account, it becomes difficult to organize things and find what you need.

With this update, when you receive an important email, you can simply open it and click on the Web Clipper. The email, along with any attached files, will then be saved to Evernote.

Once the email is in Evernote, the full message conversation appears as a nicely formatted note, that is tagged and organized in whatever way you like.

The Bottom Line

As I mentioned in my earlier disclaimer, I am an Evernote fan and user, so there may be a bit of bias. However, with that aside, the app works incredibly well for grabbing information from any site. Plus, basic usage is handy for things as simple as a shopping list, which can be written on your PC and access from your phone while at the store -- shared with your spouse as well.

Evernote is free, though there is paid service that few users will actually need to spend the money on. New updates and features seem to come regularly.


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