AdGuard Temp Mail: new temporary email service launched

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 19, 2024

AdGuard, best known for its content blocking solutions, has launched a temporary email service. Temporary email, also known as disposable email, gives Internet users access to email addresses that they may use for a set period only.

Advanced temporary email services may give users more control over email addresses, for instance by allowing them to create accounts and linking the generated emails to these accounts, or by supporting multiple domain names or even custom domains.

Temporary email services may be used to sign-up to services and apps without revealing a personal or work email addresses. It is ideal to gain access to sites or apps that you don't trust fully or don't want linked to your personal email addresses.

These services should not be confused with email forwarding services such as Firefox Relay Simple Login, Email Protection by DuckDuckGo or AnonAddy. These generate forwarding emails that forward all emails to another email address by default.

Note that AdGuard Temp Mail is considered Beta at this stage by the developers.

AdGuard Temp Mail

AdGuard's Temp Email service keeps email addresses alive for at least 7 days. The service deletes email addresses after 7 days of inactivity. Inactivity refers to the user's inactivity. Opening the inbox resets the timer.

Individual emails are kept for 24 hours before they are deleted. Emails may be deleted manually at any time with a click on the trash icon after selecting them on the Temp Email website.

Visit the official website of the email generator. You may need to solve a "not a robot" captcha before the temporary email address is revealed on the page. You may receive emails from that moment on. There is no option to send emails from the temporary email address.

The page functions as the inbox at the same time. A default email from AdGuard is already in the inbox. It contains instructions and information about the service.

The Temp Email page saves a cookie to the system. This cookie is used to remember the generated email address. Clearing the cookies or selecting to generate a new email address on the Temp Email website will remove access to the previously generated email address. You may close the page and reopen it later to access the inbox again, provided that 7 days of inactivity have not passed yet.

Using the temporary email address is simple. Use the copy button on the Temp Email website to copy the email address to the Clipboard. You may now use it for sign-ups and other activities that require an email address.

Temporary email services may be blocked by services on the Internet. This is the case especially for services that use a single domain. The majority of Internet sites do not block temporary email addresses, but some do. It is likely that AdGuard's temporary email domain is already on the blocklist of some of these services.

The roadmap includes several interesting features. Besides zero-access encryption and SMTP server TLS support, AdGuard plans to proxy images and run security checks on links.

Image proxies protect user IP addresses from remote services. Security checks may reveal phishing links or malware, and protect users from these.

Closing Words

Adguard is a respected company. Millions of users use Adguard's content blocking solutions. The company launched AdGuard for Android TV recently and also maintains its secure DNS service.

Now You: do you use temporary email services?

Article Name
AdGuard Temp Mail: new temporary email service launched
AdGuard, best known for its content blocking solutions, has launched the temporary email service AdGuard Temp Email.
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  1. free texas said on January 28, 2024 at 7:01 pm

    the problem is most websites are blacklisted those temporary email domains

  2. mzbbgcuz said on January 24, 2024 at 2:08 am

    My favorite is GuerillaMail:

    You can always receive; sometimes you can send usually early in the day. Not right now though:

    “Sending email has been suspended for today”

  3. George said on January 22, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    Not sure what use is there to create an account with an email address that will be gone after 7 days. How do you access that account after the email is gone?

    Perhaps it’s meant for one-time accounts? Meh…

  4. bird is the word said on January 20, 2024 at 4:40 am

    “Can I send emails from my temporary email address?
    No, a disposable email address is only used to receive emails.”


    I can generate tons of FREE COCK.LI e-mail addresses and they work instantly. I can send and receive and it doesn’t expire IIRC.

  5. Tom Hawack said on January 20, 2024 at 12:03 am

    I’m not fond of temporary email services as compared to email forwarding services given the latter can be temporary as well (deleted), everlasting, or simply paused, as with for instance, which is the service together with its extension that I use here on Firefox.

    This said I’d never use be it a temporary or a forwarding email service for confidential data, need to say. For instance I’d create and handle a forwarded email to try a service, application, software and should I decide to keep it and especially to purchase it then I’d change the provided email address to a true one and delete the forwarded email among my forqarded emails.

    Another advantage of forwarding email services is that it is possible to initiate, to send a first forwarded email by providing the receiver’s email address to (possible to do it manually but I tend to goof!).

    Isolated email dialogs remain available over time of course which may prove to be handy. The sender appears to be/become a pain in the neck, or continues to email you when you’ve ended the love affair, or makes it impossible to close an account when you’ve used it sometimes for years? Just delete the forwarded email and his preach will vanish, gone with the electronic winds … (sounds nicer in French, lol).

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