Opera 12.02 final released, download now

Melanie Gross
Aug 30, 2012
Updated • Aug 30, 2012

Norwegian company Opera Software has released a new version of its desktop web browser Opera to the public. The new version is an update to the stable version of the web browser brining the version of it to 12.02. Opera Software as you may now is iterating releases between smaller updates and larger feature-rich updates. The next feature rich update is already in the making and will be released as Opera 12.50 later this year.

Opera 12.02 is a stability and security update for the browser making it a recommended update for all users of Opera 12.01 or earlier.

The release notes highlight the changes in the new release. The most important change is the deactivation of the browser's out-of-process plugin feature under Windows that was introduced in Opera 12.0 as Opera found it to be responsible for crashes, slow-downs and stability issues in Opera. The feature, introduced in Opera 12.0 to improve the browser's stability when running plug-in contents on websites, will receive further analysis so that all issues are resolved before it is activated again in a future version of the Opera Internet browser.

Opera 12.02 furthermore includes several "general fixes and stability improvements" that are not listed in detail on the change log. One issue that is mentioned is a fix for Speed Dial thumbnails for browsers were automatic scaling is enabled.

One security issue with a severity of low has been fixed in the browser version as well. Attackers could use the vulnerability to take advantage of truncated dialogs in the browser to trick Opera users into clicking on buttons on a web page that they believe are part of a dialog window (e.g. downloads).

Opera users should receive update notifications automatically when they start the browser. It is alternatively possible to check for updates manually by clicking on Opera > Help > Check for Updates, or by downloading the latest version directly from the Opera website.

This update should resolve the majority of crashes and freezes that Opera users were experiencing in Opera 12.x versions prior to version 12.02.


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  1. mohammad mumtaz said on November 7, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    my opera is 12.02.1578 but few days before some problem so i
    deleted and after one day re install but not properly please help me
    for new opera

  2. frustrated said on September 1, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    Yay, I had BSOD’s galore with the previous version, now my computer just restarts randomly without any BSOD. Well done, Opera.

  3. Q said on September 1, 2012 at 6:20 am

    I have not used the newer Firefox version series; however, I remember quite well that Firefox also has problems with its plugin container. The browser, in my testing, was significantly more stable (if the plug-in container would become unstable or fail the browser would often freeze), and exhibited much less odd behavior with the plugin-container disabled. Also, in Windows 2000, the plugin-container would fail to run (in effect, it was if the plugin-container were disabled).

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