Corporation Inc [Game Saturday]

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 12, 2011
Updated • Nov 24, 2012

Your own company, how would it look like? That's what you can find out in Corporation Inc, a free Flash based game that gives you the role of the company founder. It is your task to create office space, hire workers, do research and handle all the organizational tasks to keep your workers productive and happy, and the company profitable.

You begin the game with cash but nothing else. Your first task is to build Office space and hire some workers to start making money. But workers can only work if you got additional personal standing by, IT for instance to fix computer problems or janitors to clean up the mess when the workers go home.

The tutorial walks you through the first steps with the help of objectives that are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Completing objectives gives you cash and a new objective (e.g. build four office parts, then hire 20 workers).

You can hire supervisors to beat workers on the head to make them work faster, and researchers that research new game elements or improve existing ones.

New worker and building types become available later in the game. You will be able to hire accountants or HR to improve earnings and happiness, decor to improve happiness and transport to get your workers from a to b (to another floor).

You also need to make sure that you have enough restrooms and other types of room that your workers request. If you do not happiness may drop and workers may need to go outside to fill their needs (bathroom, eating, gym).

It is important to have the right ratio of all worker types available. This means that for every x workers you need a janitor, IT worker and supervisor. It is also possible to promote workers to make them more efficient.

The game plays in realtime. Your workers come in the morning and leave in the evening. You can speed up the flow of time using the slider at the bottom of the screen. Here you also find information about your organization's happiness level, the time of the day and the total number of employees. Research is handled automatically by the game, but you can manually select the area that you want to concentrate research on.

Offices can be upgraded to speed things up, make workers happier and make them earn more money. Workers can be promoted or fired as well.

There is a lot to the game that you will discover while playing it. The game plays like a mix of popular games such as Little Computer People and Sim Tower. It is a lot of fun, especially in the beginning. The game plays like an open end game which means that you will eventually run out of things to do and fun. But that takes a while since you have got a lot to discover before you have seen it all in the game.

You can play Corporation Inc at Armorgames.


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  1. Robert Palmar said on November 12, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    Particularly interesting having been employed in
    the corporate world and moving to self-employed.

    Another great find for Game Saturday, Martin.

  2. Rupesh said on November 12, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    This is strangely addictive – thanks for sharing this!

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