Is the Amazon Kindle Tablet Coming September 28?

Mike Halsey MVP
Sep 23, 2011
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Amazon, Companies, Hardware

Amazon have today issued invitations to a "special press conference" on September 28 and the tech community is expecting the online retailer to formally announce the Kindle Tablet.

The tablet, which has been rumoured for some time, would run on Google's Android operating system which would be specially modified to get the best from Amazon's Kindle eBook app, and to give the best full-colour eBook reader experience possible.

What we do know about this tablet is that it runs on a single-core processor with 6Gb or storage, a 7 inch screen, speakers, a micro USB post and, oddly, no cameras.  The new Kindle interface is rumoured to be reminiscent of Apple's CoverFlow and the unit is expected to retail for around $250.

This will price it aggressively compared to other 7 inch tablets and with Amazon's reputation for quality hardware already confirmed with the current generation of Kindle readers, should be widely sought after and very popular.

Personally I find Amazon's choice of Android disappointing given the ongoing, and unanswered by Google, security concerns about the platform.  For being open-source however and light-weight it would remain the obvious choice given that neither Apple nor RIM are currently prepared to licence their tablet operating systems to third parties, that HP's WebOS is currently hanging under a very large gallows axe and that Microsoft's offering is not only far from finished, but probably wouldn't be suitable for such a device anyway.

Currently the only direct competition to an Amazon tablet would be the Barnes & Noble Nook Color, which is scarcely available outside of the US.

It's also possible that Amazon will use the event to announce a refresh to its current Kindle eReader range with possible additions including a touch-screen.

Whatever the outcome, as I mentioned previously, any Amazon tablet would almost instantly become a best-seller and would probably become the most-popular Amazon tablet around, besting the Samsung Galaxy Tab devices.  We'll keep you informed of what Amazon announce.


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  1. SubgeniusD said on September 27, 2011 at 5:54 am

    “Personally I find Amazon’s choice of Android disappointing ”

    Then you proceed to detail precisely why Android is the logical choice for this tablet. How curious.

    The fact that it will be used primarily to read books minimizes to nearly zero the much-hyped concerns about Android security. That security was even brought into the discussion at all is also “curious”……(oh wait….MVP……hmmmmm)

  2. Tammy said on September 24, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    Does the new Kindle tablet require a interservice fee? and who would it be through if so?

  3. Nook Color Clone said on September 24, 2011 at 5:32 am

    Nook Color Android-based tablet/eReader from Barnes & Noble has been on the market for over a year and sold millions of units at $250. Gives Flash, apps, videos, color magazines and ebooks with video inserts, and the best anti-glare coated screen on the market. Technology “leader” Amazon is finally catching up with the book store company by copying their device.
    Kindle only supports eBooks in its proprietary AZW format. Nook, on the other hand, supports both DRM-protected and DRM-free ebooks in ePub format thus it supports ebooks from B&N store, from any other DRM-free source on the web, and from public libraries.
    If you walk in with the Nook to Barnes & Noble store, you’re allowed to read any available eBook for free while in the store via free provided in the store Wi-Fi.
    Nook Color has several apps that already come with the device (Pandora Internet radio, QuickOffice, etc.) and hundreds of other apps are available for download. Also, you can use the Social Settings screen to link your NOOK Color to your Facebook account and your Twitter account. You can also import all your contacts from your Google Gmail account. Once you have linked to Facebook and Twitter and set up email contacts, you can lend and borrow books, recommend books, and share favorite quotes with your friends. Nook store has over 2 million of paid books and about the same number of free public domain books.

    1. Mike Halsey (MVP) said on September 24, 2011 at 10:40 am

      @Nook Color Clone. You’re missing something about the Nook. Everything you’ve said is completely correct but you forgot to mention that the Nook Color is also a fantastic piece of design, it’s absolutely lovely. Shame it’s not available in Europe :(

  4. Paul(us) said on September 24, 2011 at 12:33 am

    Somthing not related:
    Is the Apple Ipad 5 coming september 28?
    Personly I think It comes november 28.

  5. Daryl said on September 23, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    I reckon that a Kindle tablet priced right should fly off the (virtual) shelves, especially for the non-tech minded – ie, most of the population. Amazon have a good record of getting these kind of things right.
    I would be surprised thigh to see an iteration on the Kindle ereader at the same time though, as to release an entirely new type of product under the Kindle name (a tablet device) AND a new version of the ereader is likely to cause confusion. I don’t see that an iteration of the reader is really that key right now. It’s a great product that works very well and has very little serious competition, certainly here in the UK.

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