Deletist, Bulk Delete Folders And Files

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 4, 2010
Updated • Feb 20, 2017
Software, Windows software

Deletist is a lightweight portable software for Windows that can be used to delete folders and files in bulk in one operation.

The program supports two operation modes. You can add folders and files by pasting their paths into the program interface, or by loading a text file that lists the full path of the directories or files that you want deleted instead.

Each file or folder needs to be listed in its own line in the text file for the program to recognize them correctly.

While it may be too complex for one-time delete operations, it can be quite useful if the same files or folders need to be deleted regularly. Since you only need to create the text document once, you'd simply load it whenever you want the operation performed by Deletist.



The files and folders that you add are listed in the main program window afterwards. Each file is listed with its name, full path, and status information there. The status informs you for instance about the deletion status, or whether files could not be found.

A click on Delete Files will process all files, and delete them to the recycle bin. It is possible to uncheck the recycle bin option, so that the files and folders are deleted directly without being moved to the recycle bin first.

Deletist indicates the status of each deletion by changing the status message and the icon in front of each row.

The program offers some interesting deletion options. As mentioned earlier already, you may use it to remove files from folders regularly, for instance from temporary folders or individual files that you want deleted regularly. While you may use other programs like CCleaner for the same job, Deletist gives you better control over the process.

Deletist is available for download at SKwire Empire. It may be flagged as malicious by some antivirus programs but that is false positives then.

Closing Words

Deletist is a specialized program that may not be for most users. It is somewhat complicated to get started, especially if you want to run delete operations regularly and not one time. If you want one-time operations, it may be better to use other software programs for that as they are usually easier to set up.

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