Upload Photos And Files With ZUploader

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 23, 2010
Updated • Jan 19, 2013
Software, Windows software

Nothing is more comfortable than being able to upload photos or files directly from the desktop to free online storage providers. Without the use of a software users have to open their web browser, load the page of a file or photo hoster that they want to use as a storage provider, add the files to the form uploader and wait until the process finishes.

This can be quite time consuming especially if it has to be done on a regular basis.

ZUploader is a portable Open Source program for Windows that functions as a desktop uploader for images, files and text. It is in this regard similar to previously reviewed apps like File And Image Uploader with the exception that ZUploader is the first to support text hosting providers.

Image, file and text storage providers can be selected from the drop menu in the main interface. ZUploader currently supports six image uploaders including Imageshack and Tinypic, five file uploaders including Rapidshare and Drop.io and four text uploading services including Pastebin and Paste2.


New files can be dragged and dropped into the program interface, the upload is then initiated automatically by the application using the configured file hoster for the file type. Text files are for instance automatically uploaded to the text upload host while photos are uploaded to the configured image uploader.

Dragging and dropping is however not the only option to upload files to the Internet. Another option are the upload buttons in the ZUploader interface. Clipboard upload will automatically upload the contents of the clipboard to an appropriate provider, File upload opens a file browser to select files to upload manually. Only one file can be selected in the file browser at once though which is not comfortable if many of files need to be uploaded. The drag and drop option would be more suitable in this case.

A third upload option is available in the program's settings. Here shell integration can be activated to add ZUploader to the Windows Explorer context menu. This sends selected files automatically to the uploader.

Multiple files will spawn multiple program windows though, something that the developers should work on.

ZUploader supports uploading to ftp servers as well. The ftp server details are configured in the settings, it can then be selected from the drop down menus. The file uploader can theoretically be configured to always upload the data to the ftp server instead of the pre-configured file hosting services.

ZUploader is a free file uploader for all versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It can be directly downloaded from the developer website over at Google Code. (via Lee at Download Squad)


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