Top 5 Twitter Addons

Melanie Gross
Jun 25, 2009
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Internet, Twitter

Twitter, as with most things started out small. Then it went viral and exploded which is ironic because now it's known for being the place where things go viral.

Update: Most of the add-ons that were popular back in 2009 are not available anymore for one reason or the other. We have removed links to these resources as a consequence.

As if Twitter isn't addicting enough, there are actually several addons that make it more addicting. There are some obvious favorites in the Twitter community and then there are some scammy password stealing ones.

It's important for Twitter users to be careful what sites they enter their password on, but that's a whole 'nother ballgame err... post. Here are the top five safe Twitter addons.

Top 5 Twitter Addons

#5 TwitterHolic

The name of this says addiction all over it. Can you guess which part? Yep, you got it, it's Twitter! As with many Twitter addons, this is one of those "I'm really bored and feel like looking at some stats" addons.

It's still really cool to use and sadly a little competitive, but we're not quite off the MySpace Top Friends kick so we deserve a little bit of competition in Twitter. It's human nature, right? TwitterHolic shows users their rank by the number of followers they have and how they rank based on where they live. It also has a line graph showing how many followers a specific user has had in the past and how many are predicted for the user in he future.

#4 Twellow

There are two ways to follow people on Twitter. There is the noob way which is to find a popular twitterer and follow all their followers or they can find people to follow based on their interests. The latter is more fun because instead of seeing a bunch of "my socks smell today, I should change them" or "CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME SPAM SITE ITS GREAT," tweets users can actually see tweets they care about.

Twellow allow users to browse other twitters based on their interests. Twellow only allows users to put themselves into 10 categories which prevents people from stuffing themselves in every category in a sad attempt to get followers. The site itself could use a redesign, but it's a great tool.

#3 TweetDeck

TweetDeck is great for those who follow a lot of people or the few people they do follow tweet a lot.

This application allows users to sort twitters into different groups making Tweets much easier to read. Many people use Twirl instead, but I personally prefer TweetDeck.

#2 TwitThis

This is a tool that more blogger need to use. This allows bloggers to put a little button by each blog post.

When a twitter user finds and likes a blog post, they can click the button which will automatically tweet the blog post title and url from the twitterers account. This is similar to Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious icons that are often found on blogs.

#1 TwitterFox

Those addicted to both Firefox and Twitter can save time and be addicted to both at once. TwitterFox makes this possible by allowing Firefox users to make tweets right from their browser.

This is great for people who are browsing their favorite forum or editing a blog post and feel the sudden urge to tweet something. Instead of switching tabs, all TwitterFox users need to do is enter their tweet up into the little TwitterFox box that stays in their browser toolbar. Easy peesy!

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Top 5 Twitter Addons
Twitter, as with most things started out small. Then it went viral and exploded which is ironic because now it's known for being the place where things go viral.
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  1. Usman said on August 22, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Hi Martin, do you still think these are the top 5 twitter addons? It would be great if you update this list with the latest trendy ones ..

  2. hwsris said on June 26, 2009 at 6:34 am

    wooo thanks.

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