Learn to type faster

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 5, 2008
Updated • Dec 15, 2012

I never understood why there were not more online applications that helped you type faster. Keybr is such an online application that helps you become more productive by training you to type faster. It offers three modes, called lessons in the application, that builds words using a certain amount of keys.

Lesson one for instance uses only half the letters of the alphabet while lesson three uses all of them. Another difference between the lessons is that you have to type more in lesson three than in lesson one and two. Keybr displays the letters on top and a keyboard below.

Whenever you hit a key on the keyboard it is shown on the keyboard displayed on screen and it is checked if the key that you did press was the correct one. If it was the next key is asked for, if it was not you have to try again until you hit the right one.

I like that you can use different keyboard layouts and languages including English, German, French and Russian. A counter displays the typing speed (per minute I guess) and the errors that you made in this part of the lesson. Once you finished typing all the letters new letters will appear that you have to type again.

You can look at a chart that is displaying your progress over time. It displays the errors and speed of your typing.

I do have some criticism though. I don't like it that most of the time fake words are displayed. This is of course harder than typing known words and reduces the typing speed. There is also no distinction between upper and lower case and all the special chars are not used as well except for the space key.


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  1. Waiko said on January 31, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    This is a very good idea to speed up typing. I wish there was something similar for Dvorak keyboard layout.

  2. Windows XP Tips said on January 8, 2008 at 8:20 am

    Hmm that can really improve my typing speed. Let me give it a try. :)

  3. LethAL said on January 6, 2008 at 4:10 am

    While I may have -pretty much- mastered the art of touch typing, I don’t really do it properly. I seem to rest on lshift/asd and kl;/rshift… And although I try programs like these to increase my speed, I’m still terribly slow when I do it properly (about 10wpm rather than 50-80ish)

  4. Thinker said on January 6, 2008 at 12:21 am

    After ten years of programming I was not able to type without looking at keyboard. I used some programs, but they are boring.
    The best and ULTIMATE METHOD TO LEARN TYPING without lurking at keyboard is to change keys order on your keyboard. Then, every time you look at keyboard you remember, that looking at it wont help you :)
    It’s really best method ever, I recommend it to some friends and they were all amazed by their results :)

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