How big a part has music played in your life this year?

Emre Çitak
Nov 30, 2023
Updated • Nov 30, 2023

Spotify Wrapped 2023 has arrived, offering music enthusiasts a personalized glimpse into their listening patterns. Among the intriguing data points revealed is the average Spotify listening time, a metric that encapsulates the total amount of time spent listening to music on the platform throughout the year.

Spotify Wrapped 2023 delves into the depths of individual listening preferences, providing a fascinating portrait of the musical landscape that has resonated with each user. From the top artists and genres that have dominated playlists to the hidden gems that have captured hearts, this personalized retrospective offers a unique insight into the power of music to connect, inspire, and transform.

At the heart of this musical odyssey lies the average Spotify listening time, a quantifiable measure of the profound connection individuals forge with music. This metric, often a source of lighthearted competition among friends, represents more than mere hours spent listening; it reflects the profound impact music has on our lives.

Whether it's the soothing melodies that ease our anxieties, the upbeat rhythms that energize our mornings, or the soulful tunes that evoke cherished memories, music plays a pivotal role in shaping our emotions.

What is average Spotify listening time?

The average Spotify listening time varies across individuals, reflecting personal preferences, daily routines, and lifestyle choices. While some users may dedicate hours to their favorite artists and podcasts, others may listen more passively as background music.

A recent report revealed that the average person listens to an astonishing 961 hours and 10 minutes of music annually, equivalent to over 40 days of continuous music playback. This staggering figure highlights the profound impact music has on our lives.

The release of Spotify Wrapped has sparked a wave of social media sharing, with users eager to showcase their listening habits and connect with fellow music lovers. Platforms like Twitter/X, Instagram and TikTok are abuzz with posts revealing individual listening minutes, favorite artists, and top songs.

For example, one person might say, "I spent 78,657 minutes listening this year." Another might mention, "I clocked in 45,500 hours on the app," and someone else could share, "I dedicated 53,873 minutes to my favorite tunes".

The average Spotify listening time stats also tell us that a regular person hears about 1.3 million songs in their life.

How to see your average Spotify listening time?

Spotify Wrapped is an annual feature that provides you with a personalized overview of your listening habits over the past year. It includes a variety of stats, such as your top artists, top songs, and total listening time.

To view your Spotify Wrapped, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your mobile device
  2. Tap on the "Your Library" tab
  3. Scroll down to the "Wrapped" section
  4. Tap on the "See Your Wrapped" button

Don't have Spotify yet? Get it via the links below.

Your Spotify Wrapped will include a section called "Your Year in Minutes," which displays your total listening time for the year.

If  ''Your Year in Minutes'' does not pop up for you, your average Spotify listening time can be calculated by dividing your total listening time by the number of days in the year. For example, if your total listening time is 10,000 minutes, then your average listening time is 27.4 minutes per day.


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  1. John said on November 30, 2023 at 10:51 pm

    I go in cycles of music listening. I am not a big fan of todays music, preferring to listen to more classic content. I grew up in the 70’s and music was a big deal, I spent a ton on stereo equipment, and speakers. Always working for that perfection. You get that from being in band and enjoying live music. These days digital has made music convenient but is that better? I own several wireless headphones and ear buds and not a one is anywhere close to what I had in the 70’s. In my 60’s now and I still find myself loving the sound from vinyl then any music service.

  2. Jerry said on November 30, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    Meh, too much noise IMO.

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